POM Friday . 20

Alfie-in-front-of-Ros-Egp-MAs much as I try to bring Alfie new places all the time, I don’t think he will ever grow out of the nervous-pooping. He is fantastic in the car and chills out, sometimes looks out the window — occasionally barks at the cars next to us. If we’re going to his favourite dog food place to get him a new bone, he’s cool. If we’re going on adventure the first thing he needs to do is mark his spot about 17 times, then comes the nervousness. I clean that up because I am prepared unlike the last time. And he does circles around me, freaking out and he just wants to be up in my arms. Well ya ain’t gettin’ your way 100% of the time Mr. Schnogg. I want some pretty blog photos with you in them, Alfie!

Alfie-barking(He’s already barking and we had only just arrived. Pipe down young Alfie, sheesh!)

Alfie-smiling-on-trailSo we headed out to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum mid-morning yesterday and spent some time on the outside grounds since they’ve been known for pretty scenery. There was a hoard of young teens arriving at the same time as we did, they were with their school. I tried not to get any photos with them in there, to make for better pictures — ha let’s be real.

Alfie-near-flowersBut get this. One of the teeny-boppers ran over to Alfie squealing You have such a cute cat! Oh dear, I think that kid needs to stay in school a little longer.

Onto the pictures.





Ros-Egypt-GardensCheck out alfie in the picture above. He kinda blends in, find him!




Alfie-sitting-and-waitingAlfie is an excellent dog behavioural wise when no one is around (isn’t that always the way). He will sit-stay for as long as I tell him to. Little guy looks so tiny in the Peace Garden!

Alfie-happy-runThis is after I said the release command and he’s full force happy-running to me. Nothing makes me smile bigger than seeing this little fella run into my arms.

Alfie-sittingThe grounds were really beautiful, and so much larger than I expected — so we stayed for a good 45 minutes.




Alfie-king-of-castleThe most fun picture, saved for last. I think he felt like a king of the castle up there. Ha!

Happy Friday folks, see ya next week.

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  1. Alfie is absolutely adorable, so much so that I’m sure that nervous pooping thingy doesn’t bother you that much! The photos are gorgeous, where in California is the Peace Garden? We are (hopefully) planning a trip out to California this summer, would love to see it!

  2. Awe, what a cute cat! Hahaha, kidding! People used to ask me if my baby was a doll when she was a newborn- some are just not blessed with noticing the obvious!

    I love the pictures you got of this building. The bright blue and white is so striking and such a great backdrop for your darling Alfie. Thanks for sharing his cute personality!
    Briton recently posted..10 Under $10 / No. 3My Profile

  3. He doesn’t look like a cat. For goodness sake. He is cute enough to be mistaken for a girl though. ;) Your day out looks fun!

  4. This is an absolutely adorable post! Made even more awesome by the fact that I didn’t know this museum existed and, as a total Egypt-nerd, I have added it to my road trip bucket list.

    Alfie is an adorable dog and he seems super well-trained! My pit bull would probably be to edgy/eager to explore to pose for so long, haha. Your site is beautiful and I hope you’re loving Cali!
    Liz Leiro recently posted..Heart to HeartMy Profile

  5. Beautiful beautiful place! And your Alfie is quite adorable! He seem to be having a great time too..and No! Alfie doesn’t look like a cat! 😀😁😄

  6. Oh he is an adorable dog! The grounds of this museum are so beautiful!! I would have to stay for while walking around, looks like you had amazing weather for your visit as well that day!

  7. I am loving the pictures. My dog will never pose long enough. LOL. It seems like you guys had a very nice day and the Garden of Peace looked exactly where I want to be. AAA. Oh to be on the west coast. Thank you for sharing your day with us. I think it will be next week until I stop laughing about the kid and the cat.
    Christy recently posted..Save and Snack Away with RO*TEL Recipe and CouponsMy Profile

  8. Hahaha, I am cracking up at the comment the kid made about Alfie being a cat. When I first saw the top picture I thought he was a cat, too! However, I am looking at this post on my tiny iPhone 5S screen so I guess I get a pass. I promise I can identify my animals, Nancy! Lol

    Beautiful pictures. Alfie is adorable and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  9. The front of that museum is absolutely gorgeous and your dog looks adorable in them! That picture of him running full force towards you is adorable. The grounds at the museum look pretty too…I love Birds of Paradise flowers.

  10. Wow, I have never heard of Egyptian museums–but it sounds wonderful. The architecture and art work is simply gorgeous. It’s fun that you were able to bring your dog with you–I wish we could do that in Chicago museums! But then again, I think my dog would just be looking for food scraps.

  11. Hi Nancy!
    Let me just tell you that you dog, Alfie, just melts my heart, he’s so cute, I just want to play with him. I see that he loves to pose. I have a 15 years old German shepherd who’s back home with my parent and I miss him so much. He loves to go for long walks in the nature, too.
    I really enjoyed to see your beautiful day at the “Peace Garden” Museum through those wonderful pictures and I made a mental note about his place, I would really love to visit it on my next trip to West Coast.
    Rally L.C. recently posted..Influenster Refresh VoxBox (EN)My Profile

  12. “You have such a cute cat,” hahah. I’d love to know what breed of cat they thought he was. Nervous popping is the worst. About a year ago, one of the dogs I wa fostering had the same problem. She was great at home but whenever we left the house for a walk or to explore she would let it rip!

  13. Omg loving the photos!!! What a cute doggie :):) poms are my absolute favorites!!! So fluffy so cute :)

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