Our Easter Sunday

Would you like ham and scalloped potatoes? I asked my husband a few days prior to Easter Sunday.

Ham? Asking with his nose a little turned up.

Then I suggested Or we could do roast chicken and scalloped potatoes, what do you think? 

Well, ham is fine I guess. Most indecisive husband award goes to…

Walking-AlfieAnd so Easter Sunday rolled around. We were feeling a little lazy. I headed out on my walk with Alfie, Nicole (my 10 month pregnant neighbour!) and her pooch, who Alfie hates. We talked about what our Easter traditions were, and had a little chat. It was getting quite warm out so after the walk instead of going on my weekly run together with my husband, I decided to run 1.79 miles on the treadmill while he snoozed on the couch for a bit.

When I came back home, I noticed he was awake asking me when we’re going to head out for our run together. You know when you’re just in the mood to run and you need to get out there otherwise it probably wouldn’t happen later? That’s what I did. He asked me if I’d like to go again, and to be honest – I really didn’t want to. But as soon as he said he wanted company for half of his run, I decided to get off my butt and go for another run.

My husband and I prefer to run right before the sun sets, so it’s cooler outside. And before that had to happen, we needed to get some groceries for our Easter dinner. I’m surprised the stores were open, then again my husband didn’t get Good Friday, nor Easter Monday off work.

GroceriesWe went to the grocery store and seriously could not pass up the pre-cooked rotisserie chicken fr $4.94. In Canada, I swear they’re at least nine bucks. So that was our easter dinner plan. Clearly I enjoyed taking photos of my shoes/pants on Sunday. I’m obsessed with these black sneakers, they’re from Target by the way!

In the afternoon, I’m not entirely sure how – but we ran out of time and things got a bit hectic. As per usual. I don’t let that bother me any more. But, we took Alfie out and went on a 6km run together. It was probably one of the best runs of my year so far. I didn’t feel winded, nor did anything hurt. I blame it on the warm-up that I did on the treadmill a few hours prior. Guess that was pretty good for me!

Baskin-Robbins-bunny-cakeOnce we came home, I had to head over to Baskin Robbins because I placed a telephone order for a bunny ice cream cake a couple of hours prior, and it was ready for pick-up. Baskin Robbins seriously does the cutest cakes for any occasion. We picked it up just in the nick of time to have for our Easter dessert.


Easter-DinnerAfter everything got settled away, I made the veggies to go with the roast chicken we picked up prior. I love feasting on special occasions, so I did not disappoint delivering a full plate of food to the table. Check out all the yummy goodness I made! I like to pat myself on the back. I picked up a dark chocolate Lindt bunny for my husband, and a milk chocolate one for myself. World Market was having a crazy good sale a couple of weeks ago leading up to Easter and some of the stuff was 50% off! I refrained on buying all the cute bunny items, and only bought two chocolate ones for ourselves.



Bunnyroll-ice-cream-cakeOf course, we dug into the cake immediately after. My husband was such a stindge cutting the cake. Half a piece for the both of us? You gotta be kiddin’ me! Slice another piece off for us b’y. With the Baskin Robbins bunny roll cake, you could choose from 3 different flavours of ice cream in the middle: vanilla,mint chocolate chip, or chocolate chip. I chose the latter — it was pretty amazing. Technically this cake serves 6-8 people, but we aren’t sharing!

However I will share something else with you guys. You can enter to win a Baskin Robbins gift card too valued at $31, enough for you to buy a bunny roll ice cream cake too! Yay, what a surprise! Just enter using the rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is only open to US residents. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Although my post is a little late going up since Easter was a few days ago, I still hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family!

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    1. @Connie: Have you never had lindt chocolate before? It’s probably my favourite chocolate out there. Especially the lindt chocolate balls that have the soft truffly chocolate in the centre. Ugh, so good. The bunnies though are hollow and they still taste pretty creamy (not like cheap chocolate).
      Nancy recently posted..Our Easter SundayMy Profile

  1. I love your blog but I am specifically commenting for that Baskin Robbins gift card. It’s tradition in my family to have a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake for birthdays. Since I don’t want to wait until September, I hope I win so I can enjoy cake now!

    Easter was great and I love your shoes as well!!
    Lauren (@pinkonthecheek) recently posted..Easy Peel Hard Boiled EggsMy Profile

  2. Aww, I miss posts like these! Simple, every-day ones :)

    Glad you had a good Easter– my mouth was watering when I seen those photos! Looks amazing. And THAT CAKE IS SO ADORABLE! Especially the end part of it (the bunny behind… loll).
    Leanne recently posted..April ShowersMy Profile

  3. I don’t have a Baskin Robbins super close to me. There are some, but we have to pass Carvel to get there, so our ice cream cakes come from there.

  4. your feast looks amazing! I also like to have a big feast for the holidays! We went with Ham this year, I could have eaten the whole thing! Baskin robins never ceases to amaze me! They have the best treats! The bunny cake looks so yummy! Sounds like you had a great holiday :)
    Ronda Ogilvie recently posted..Dear Mom,My Profile

  5. I also have one of those indecisive husbands. I always tell him, “if I have to cook it, the least you can do is choose it!”

    That cake is adorable, I bet it was delicious! I miss ice cream cakes, they haven’t really caught on Denmark. Ooooh… maybe I could make one from scratch!

    I’d enter the giveaway, but there’s really no point :( Good luck to all who enter!
    Sage recently posted..Buffalo Seitan Sandwich w/ Bleu Cheese DressingMy Profile

  6. That is the cutest bunny ice cream cake I have ever seen. One of our Easter traditions it that every year someone has to bring a lamb cake or some other dessert. The goal is to find the creepiest one you can. This year my mom made the weirdest egg shaped cake…and forgot some ingredients so she couldn’t even cut into it. Ha!

  7. This looks like an amazing Easter dinner and the cake wow. I love the cake and will have to go out and get one along with the chicken with veggies. Then I will have to go for walk instead of a run. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. $4.94 for a rotisserie chicken?? I’m obviously going to the wrong supermarket. They’re about $8 or $9 here in Berkeley and coming from Australia I though that was cheap!

    Onto the ice cream… My favourite flavour is mint chocolate chip. And can I just point out how happy it makes me to see you spell flavour the correct way! I’m always torn between using my usual British/Australian/Canadian spelling and American spelling on my blog. Because I now have more American readers than Australian I’ve started dropping the letter “u” in lots of words and switching the “s” in words like organise to a “z” but it feels so wrong :)

    1. @Sally from Little Hiccups: Yes I’m pretty sure the $4.94 was regular price. Now it wasn’t super big (it was small/medium size) but it fed my husband and I and we had enough for leftovers for the next day, so I spose it could feed 4 adults. We bought it at our Walmart Neighbourhood Market!!!

      I’ll never go to American spelling and get rid of my U’s in colour/flavour/etc – (or even switching away from Celcius) however, with the word organize I never did spell that with an “S”!
      Nancy recently posted..POM Friday . 22My Profile

  9. At baskin robbins, I always get the same thing. Bottom scoop pralines and cream, top scoop pistachio almond. There’s nothing better!

  10. I used to love getting a peach milk shake from Baskin Robbins! I like to look at the available flavors and try something new.

  11. The cake was super cute. I like the design and I bet that it’s done well with creativity. I can’t believe that the bunny roll cake was made from ice cream. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor. I hope that a nearby shop here sells that! :) We are too far from Baskin Robbins.

  12. Oh my goodness! That bunny cake is too adorable. My daughters would absolutely love to have it. I am going to enter the giveaway because this would be a real treat.

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