Tips on travelling with your pets

Alfie-and-I-top-of-hike2Recently, PopSugarPets tweeted out what to do with your dogs while on vacation. While I agree with the statement somewhat, I’d like to tell you what we do with Alfie when we vacation.

When we were looking at bringing a dog into our home, we decided we wanted a smaller one that we could bring with us wherever we went. I understand not all vacation spots are pet-friendly, especially if you are planning to do a lot of sight-seeing, eating out at restaurants — what have you. For instance when my husband and I were in Alberta, we knew Alfie couldn’t come since we’d be hiking up mountains — clearly not fit for a little ten pounder with spindly toothpick legs, regardless of how fearless and tough he is.Alfie-licking-nose

Alfie had been in obedience school for most of his life leading up to our move to the USA, and the dog trainer we went with took a liking to him, so whenever we needed a dog-sitter, she was there with open arms. With that being said, we try to bring Alfie with us on as many vacations as possible, especially now that we’ve moved from Canada to California and we no longer have our trusted dog trainer within driving distance of us.

Alfie-shower-cap-6Alfie is not a convenience dog, he is part of the family! We don’t like to think that dogs are just a convenience to us, and play/walk with them only in the home. As you can tell from the 20 previous Pomeranian Friday posts, we like to bring Alfie along for the ride. He will be going places with us — not left behind. Especially since he fits the regulation size to go in the cabin. We have flown from California to Newfoundland, Canada multiple times with Alfie, and he is an excellent traveller. While the day is long he is trained and understands what’s going on (there isn’t a direct flight, and when you add it all up it’s a 10 hour in air flight + many stop-overs).

It’s comical travelling with Alfie by myself, as people think I am having a difficult time, but quite honestly I’m used to it. He knows he has to pop out of his carrier going through security, so I lift him as he digs his nails into me since he’s scared, and we walk through the metal detector together. Many people comment on his cuteness (I swear, once you acknowledge Alfie, that’s when he starts growling). Sometimes the airport staff had tried to help me put him back into the carrier he’s like a cat trying to get into a bathtub —  arms splayed across not wanting to get back in. I politely decline their help because once Alfie got a little angry and barked to scare them off when someone tried to help. Clearly not a fan of strangers.Alfie-in-front-of-Ros-Egp-M

Some tips for travelling with your pet that we’ve learned along the way: 

  • Bring a days worth of dog food in his carrier. You don’t want it packed away in your checked luggage or carry-on, mainly because one of you might be gone off walking around the airport and want to feed your pup.
  • Your dog needs to be hydrated just as much as you do. Bring an empty plastic cup and fill it up with your water, he needs to lap it up!
  • Pack a cover-up. This is mainly for dogs that get nervous/excited when seeing people they don’t know. Alfie barks uncontrollably when he’s in his carrier and doesn’t know the smells/sights surrounding him. I drape a scarf or my jacket around the door so he feels more protected.
  • Poo bags/potty pads. Sometimes you cannot leave the airport security area, especially if you have a quick layover. Bring your pup into the family washroom and lay down a potty-pad for him to do his business. Alfie knows the words “go potty!” pretty well since we use it on a daily basis, and of course if they need to go, they will. We praise Alfie (seriously, we clap and say good boy lol) and give him a treat after he’s done his business since he’s not used to the pad anymore and he successfully accomplished what he needed to do.
  • Give them a pet, and praise. In order for dogs to be up in cabin with their owners they need to be able to stand up, and turn around comfortably in their carrier. Although dogs are not allowed out of their carriers inside the airport, many people break the rules. I don’t like to do it, but on occasion (delayed flights etc) I do take him in my lap for a cuddle, or scratch his belly (his favourite) as much as possible.
  • Bring toys/treats — the more things that smell like home, the more comfortable your dog will be. Reward him with treats every now and then also doesn’t hurt.
  • Talk to your vet about benadryl. We don’t like to ‘drug’ our dog for the flight in fear we might give him too much, regardless of our veterinarian saying a 1/4 of a pill of children’s benadryl. But supposedly it makes them dopey and relaxed and sleep soundly for the flight.

Alfie-and-our-shoesHope these tips help, when you want to travel with your pet next time! Of course, it’s not as easy to travel with an animal that doesn’t fit the airline regulations due to the size. In that case, I’d advise you to get someone that your dog is comfortable with to look after them for the duration of your vacation.

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  1. Alfie! I love all the photos you have in different places with him :) It’s so true, dogs aren’t just pets, they are part of the family. While we can’t always bring Buffy along with us everywhere we try to take her anywhere we are able. I can sympathize with trying to get a small pup into a carrier at the airport – not a fun experience lol
    Megan Joy recently posted..Exploring San Francisco: Sightglass CoffeeMy Profile

  2. First off, that bathtub/shower cap picture is priceless!!! I may have to try to recreate with my mastiff lol! I love how you take Alfie everywhere with you, that is definitely a plus of having a small dog. My fur baby would definitely not be allowed on a flight:). Love the Alfie pics, keep em coming!
    Angie recently posted..Friday Favorites & Blogger Love {Easter Edition}My Profile

  3. I would never travel with my dog, but or people who do travel with pets, I am sure these tips will come in handy!

  4. Your dog is just the cutest, especially in the bag with he hair net! Adorable! These are really great tips, the hydration part is such an important thing to remember. I always feel so sorry for dogs stuck in cars for long periods of time with no water, I wouldn’t like it myself so really feel for the poor doggies!

  5. These are some great tips.i dnt have pets but. I do want to have them.and obvestly trevelling is one of my favriout hobby.and i cant leave pet at home.i would take them with me.very usefull post.thank u for sharing

  6. These are great tips that you’ve put together, Nancy. Don’t get me wrong … toys, treats, and Benadryl are very considerate ( of other passengers and travelers ). I’m not much of a dog person and I am terrified of dogs, even the smallest ones and I freeze when they bark at me, so anything that will make pet dogs more relaxed and a little quiet will be definitely much appreciated.
    R U S S recently posted..Carpe Diem: March 2015My Profile

  7. Your dog is so adorable, my kids have been begging for one. I on the other hand can’t fathom taking care of anything else. :) I do know if we ever get another dog it will be a small one, we had a large dog previously and he was our baby, he is no longer with us, but we couldn’t take him anywhere due to his size. Great pictures!
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  8. I would love to take my dogs if we travelled. I doubt chase would behave but my other two would love it. Ace has massive anxiety when I leave, even if I go outside for 5 mins and come back in he loses his mind! So I couldn’t imagine travelling without him. Which is why we haven’t done any more vacations since we kept him haha!

    Alfie has gone on some great trips! That lucky pup!
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  9. What a cute little pup! I agree with you that our dog is a true member of our family (I honestly prefer her to MANY human family members) but I’m not sure how much our dog would like to travel. Thankfully we have a great doggy day care that she loves so we know she is well taken care of. Thanks for the tips–we will use these on our summer road trip…Rylie girl is coming with!
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  10. I am looking forward to traveling with Mochi more. Like hiking, camping and checking out wineries. I think sometimes I don’t give him enough credit for trusting him to be good in public. He is very whiny when I have to go potty and leave him with a friend, but that is pretty much it. I just don’t know what I would do if I traveled alone!
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  11. I freaking love Alfie! Haha. I remember being so mad alongside you when you tweeted about the airline not accommodating that sweet bundle of furry joy. I wish I could take my dog with me but he seems to like napping at home haha
    Carmy recently posted..OOAK 2015My Profile

  12. These are awesome tips for traveling with your pet. It is important to know the rules and regulations for your pet a head of time for all transportation during your travels. Alfie is totally adorable in all the pictures. I love the picture of him with the shower cap on. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I don’t blame him for growling at the strangers, I wouldn’t’ want them in my face at security either!! He is such a cutie! It great to see dogs that are accustomed to traveling and how fun he gets to ride in the cabin with you!

  14. What a cute little dog! I’ve never taken my dogs on a plane before but they are larger than your little cutie so they would have to travel in the cargo bin and I just can’t imagine that being fun for them. We hire a dog sitter typically but would love to jet set with the babies if they could be with us on the plane! Thanks so much for sharing these tips just in case it happens sometime!
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  15. Bahahhhaa that shower cap picture is AWESOME!! :) I have a friend who takes her dog everywhere. She wouldn’t dare think to leave them out of the fun. ;)

  16. These tips will seriously come in handy for me. We recently adopted a pet dog and yes its our first time, if ever, to travel with a pet. Tips like these will certainly make our travel more safer and easier.

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