There’s a Central Park in Santa Clara?!

Central-Park-SCI had all kinds of intentions of checking out Kelley Park somewhere in San Jose, until Alfie and I drove there and it took me to the entrance to the Zoo! Weird. Definitely not going in the zoo and/or paying for parking when I just want to jaunt around aimlessly in a pretty lookin’ park. So that was out of the question. I started driving around and spotted signs for Central Park.

Searching for parks in the San Jose area that are free to enter, and dog friendly is tough. But I found one! Who knew there was a Central Park in Santa Clara?!

 Like every time we go some place new, Alfie is a wild beast on the leash so to speak. He gets really nervous and as I’ve mentioned many a time, he gets nervous poops. I was readily prepared with about 5 (empty lol) bags before we ventured out on our afternoon walk yesterday.

A really pretty park, and quite large — and extremely dirty with bird poo around the pond where all the ducks and Canadian Geese are, so be mindful of that. None the less, it was a pretty park to explore for a little bit of the afternoon. Until the Canadian Geese looked like they were ready to attack Alfie and I. I took a picture in case I needed it for evidence ;)



CentralPark-San-JoseNot sure exactly what this was. Some sort of hang out pavilion. Many people were chawin’ on their lunch when I walked through here.




Canadian-GeeseHere’s where they wouldn’t let us cross. Hey I’m Canadian too don’t be hissin’ at me b’y. Make no wonder though, spot the babies in the back? So cute. But kinda terrifying. I made sure to pick Alfie up in my arms and walk around them up on the grass. I do not want to be attacked by one of those gigantors.




Central Park Santa Clara
969 Kiely Boulevard, Santa Clara CA

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  1. That looks like a fun place to spend the day! My kids would love to run around there.

  2. This is one of our favorite parks! If you hiss back they walk away from you, I had it out with a few of them doing photography here forever, lolol. At another park I had to walk through an enormous flock of them and was terrified.
    Jessica Doll recently posted..Palm Springs Aerial TramwayMy Profile

  3. Oh wow! Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. It’s always nice to find new places and things you didn’t know we’re there. It looks like a nice place for a picnic and to relax!

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