These are the four new nail polishes Dior will be releasing on August 1, for their Dior Cosmopolite Fall 2015 collection. Got a favourite? That green one was the first one I took a photo of this morning, and it has been on my nails for 4 days without a hitch. Looks like it holds up pretty good while making a pretty bold statement. Who knew I’d be sporting the forest green colour I had painted on my walls back in Grade 8. My hubby seems to like this shade on me too.
After taking a few swatches of these this afternoon I now have on the maroon colour, called after the collection itself, Cosmopolite. Definitely a second favourite. The entire collection will be a hybrid of metallics, and fun colours to wear in the cooler months creeping up on us. Except, it definitely was not cool outside today. 38*C out there today, smokin’! I ended up driving to the mall to save me some air-con costs, only to have it announced over the entire PA-system at the mall that between the hours of 2 and 5pm they will be dimming lights and not putting the A/C cranked so high. Fail there on my part. So I drove back and cranked my own AC in the comfort of my own home and took some nail swatches for ya guys.
Dior Nail Vernis will retail for $31.00CDN.
These are absolutely stunning nail polish colors. I am a sucker for beautiful nail polish. I really like Dior as a brand but unfortunately, I do not see myself buying nail polish that is that expensive.
Christi from recently posted..M&M’S® Crispy: 3 Delicious (Trail) Snacks Under 200 Calories
@Christi from I know I wouldn’t be able to convince a lot of people to spend $31CDN on a nail polish, but I have bought a bunch of them with my own money too because of how well they perform (sometimes only 1 coat is needed) and I really do like the brush. But I found another nail polish brush is similar, Sally Hansen has that rounded thick brush as well. Thank you so much for your comment!
Nancy recently posted..Dior Cosmopolite | Nail polish for Fall 2015
What a great review of Dior nail polishes for this fall! I am a very visual person and makes a difference to me to see the various colors! The blog caught my eye right away, but the grey was interesting too!
@Joanne T Ferguson: Well that was a lovely comment! Thank you for making my morning :)
Nancy recently posted..Dior Cosmopolite | Nail polish for Fall 2015
Beautiful Nail Polish colors! I love them all. Is that last one a grey? I am getting some dark green undertones in the color so I’m not sure if it’s my monitor giving me a different undertone. I would totally do the ‘mirror’ color for New Year’s Eve, thanks for sharing!
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted..{#Wordless Wednesday} I met @AquafreshUS #CaptAquafresh at #BlogHer15 and learned #whatsSAP #SK
@Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly: You are definitely seeing that green correctly on your screen – it is a strange but interesting green colour. It’s my favourite from the collection.
Nancy recently posted..Dior Cosmopolite | Nail polish for Fall 2015
The Metropolis color looks so elegant and posh. It’s not a common color I encounter for nail polishes. It’s a shade that can be worn in corporate offices and even parties. Did you apply top coat and base coat?
@rochkirstin: For these nail polish swatches I did not apply a base + top coat because I was removing them immediately as I swatched them. However that green colour – the last swatch, I had on for 4 days prior, so I did in fact have a top coat (a $0.99 one from Wet ‘n Wild) but no base coat.
Nancy recently posted..Dior Cosmopolite | Nail polish for Fall 2015
LOVE those colors – so obsessed!
suki recently posted..Pan-Fried California Halibut, our Welcome Home Meal
I am not big on coloring my fingernails but my toes will love these colors on them. Daring blue and Mirror have to be my favorite and I bet they would look good used together in a design.
I am not that much into these kinds of colours for my nails. I would like to have nail art designs for my nail polish. But I must say that your post looks appealing to me.
@Maurene C.: All the merrier for me then! :)
Nancy recently posted..Exploring Coffee Shops: Roy’s Station Coffee
I love Dior’s products! You have done a great review on these items. The colors are fabulous and I would to try all of them. They are very eye catching. I like the Daring Blue and the Cosmopolite.
Ourfamilyworld recently posted..When Should You Stop Co-sleeping With Your Toddler?
@Ourfamilyworld: Thanks for your sweet comments!
Nancy recently posted..Exploring Coffee Shops: Roy’s Station Coffee
The mirror color is the most fun. I’d love to add that to my summer rotation. Thereafter, I really like the Cosmopolite. It’s the perfect hue for weekly wear. I know the fashion bloggers are going to have a great time styling these in the fall.
Reginia Cordell recently posted..Hakuna Matata Beach Lodge & Spa – Zanzibar
I LOVE the Darling Blue. It looks almost like denim. Very unique and definitely eye catching. I can see how it will be a great color for fall. I don’t think I’ve tried Dior before but I will be on the look out for these colors to add to my collection.
Tiffany recently posted..who am I fooling?
They are all so pretty! I like the green more than I thought I would. It’s not a colour I would normally be drawn to for nail polish but it looks so nice on you!
Megan Joy recently posted..Video: No Mirror Makeup Challenge | Collab with Spiffy Kerms
I absolutely love nail polish and these ones look quite lovely. The blue and silver are my favorites. Years ago I used to give myself blue and silver french manicures. These polishes make me feel the desire to do that again. There’s just something about wearing a beautiful polish that makes a girl feel elegant. These colors look like they would definitely make me feel elegant. Thank you for sharing this and helping me find my next splurge purchase.
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