Exploring Coffee Shops: Blue Bottle

Not all coffee shops are created equal, naturally so. I had a fine time hanging out with Megan at Blue Bottle at the Mint Plaza in San Francisco when she lived here. The Mint Plaza location is the only Blue Bottle cafe that serves a full food menu. These photos are from back in April but I still wanted to share the post. I’m pretty much obsessed with Blue Bottle Coffee now, so much so, I scoped out another Blue Bottle location closer to me in Palo Alto. The staff were incredibly sweet with us, and told us a couple of their favourite (and popular) drinks to order.

It was completely packed when we went in there and it’s a small coffee shop to begin with, but we had an awesome time chatting about makeup, and life in general. I miss my bud!

Onto the photos :)














Blue Bottle Coffee
Mint Plaza Cafe
66 Mint Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94103

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  1. I could go for some coffee shop time let me tell you! I haven’t been in a good long while. I’m overdue.

  2. Wow! What a cute coffee shop. We have one near me and I love stopping by and grabbing a coffee with friends.

  3. Wow looks like a neat shop! I’ve never really gone into coffee shops, or explored anything like that around here (mind you, I’m sure they are terrible here anyway) but this looks like lots of fun! Also, you both are stunning!
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  4. I am always looking for a good coffee shop. Whether it’s at home or when I travel, I want the best deal on my coffee that I can find. You have found a really good one here. I will have to remember it!

  5. I would love to try the iced coffee. I will have to see if there is a location near me.

  6. Oooo this sounds like a great place!! Coffee shops are so fun to visit. I always feel Like I’m someplace in Europe when I’m at one lol

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