California Summer: OOTD

ootd-california-summerOn Thursday my buddy Lauren and I met up for coffee at one of my favourite and coolest looking coffee shop I’ve ever found, Blue Bottle at Hana Haus in the city of Palo Alto. I took my buddy Jenna here too when she was visiting back in May. We caught up on one another’s lives since we hadn’t seen each other in over a month. Then we decided to venture out and explore Palo Alto a bit, and while we were at it, scope out some really cool spots for snapping outfit of the days together. Of course I filmed a vlog of our entire day, having expensive lunches, following it up with ice cream sandwiches and shopping at Stanford!

You’ll have to wait until Wednesday to see the YouTube video though. Subscribe so you won’t miss it!

And onto the photos. A California summer OOTD :)

vloggingApparently this is what I look like when I vlog, and get caught on camera. I was laughing here at Lauren snapping photos of me vlogging. It was a bit awkward, I’m still not used to whippin’ out the ol’ vlogging camera in public at any given time.

vlogging-in-publicFake it til you make it, yo.

Hanging-at-HanaHausIsn’t HanaHaus the coolest looking coffee spot? I swear I could easily spend an entire afternoon here just people watching.

Working-on-laptopOh, and fake-working on “my” laptop (Lauren’s chromebook).  Ha!!

overheatedIf you hang out with me in person, you know I’m a little foolish. I didn’t realize Lauren was snapping away as I was getting overheated tryin’ to get some air circulatin’ under the ol’ tee shirt.



After scouting out locations we found this really pretty european-vibe courtyard and snapped some photos there too. While the staff working there gave us smirks while we were posing. It was a little awkward!Palo-Alto-OOTD

OOTD-PaloAlto-CAHence the awkward nancy-running-away in the middle picture.


Then onto Stanford Shopping Centre. Where I picked up a little splurge item from the Chanel makeup counter. You’ll have to watch my YouTube video on Wednesday to see what I got.




Dancy-feetOutfit details: Forever 21 tee, Zara Jeans, Target shoes and Rayban sunglasses. Pretty simple and to the point! :)

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  1. This looks like a fun time and it seems like you enjoyed it. I agree with you about the location, I would love to spend the day there and people watch. I think I would get a lot of inspiration to write about. I love your outfit too and I have been known to fan the shirt to get a little air underneath as well.
    Melissa recently posted..Enjoy a Family Night Out at The Brown BottleMy Profile

  2. Love that Blue Bottle courtyard! Can you believe it used to be a Borders or Barnes and Nobles bookstore? Palo Alto has changed quite a bit, I also spent the afternoon there the other weekend checking out a few places – Sushiritto, Timothy Adams and Chantal Guillon. Looks like a fun outing you had!
    chanelle recently posted..Making New FriendsMy Profile

  3. I agree, it is one of the coolest looking coffee spot that I have seen! I would often be seen there if I live in that area.

    I love your outfit of the day! So simple, but it looks very comfortable.

  4. You both look like you were having a ball of a time. I never have an issue pulling my camera out. Everyone that knows me knows I take pictures of everything. I only wish I had someone who take the camera sometime and get me in them. Soon it will be my daughter, as she got a camera from her birthday this past friday.

  5. I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. So this outfit makes me very happy. It’s simple and looks very relaxing. Perfect for whatever you choose to do that day. Whether you are traveling, running errands or enjoying some time with a friend. Great choice.
    Nickida recently posted..SONIC Drive-In Family Dining ReviewMy Profile

  6. Looks like you had a fun day, the weather looks beautiful as do you :) That iced coffee looks soo amazing- perfect for a hot suppers day! Now I want one!

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