Future in Triathlons?

Ironman Lake Tahoe 2015I can’t say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. Back in the day I had a one-speed hand-me-down bright red road bike from my favourite cousin that I rode for a few years when kids teenagers weren’t shammed for riding their bikes on the sidewalk. Now I’m terrified of riding on the road and getting hit by a car. Legitimate concerns you guys. My husband cycles 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day. I constantly worry about rush-hour traffic knocking him down after a few close calls.

I swam a ton, until one day I failed my Bronze Medallion test for silly reasons so I quit in spite of that one coach. Lame on my part, I know. Another concern: race day – getting kicked in the head during a swim start. That can’t feel good.

I’ve always ran. Not to say I’ve always enjoyed running, but it’s something that literally doesn’t cost me a penny or need some fancy gear or bike fixing knowledge.

Ironman Lake TahoeAfter my husband completed his 6th Ironman triathlon last weekend he suggested I try triathlons too. Add to the fact he said “I think you would be fast.” Considering I’m a naturally self-competitive person, I’m kind of flattered he thinks I would be fast.

But man, I’m not sure I am ready for it! Training for three sports all at once, for one race? You guys, I hate racing! It gives me the heebie jeebies in the belly, and I perform terribly during a (running) race. Who knows, maybe tri’s would be different. But I need to start doing something regularly again (besides running) because I’m getting pretty self-concious about my appearance to be truthful.

prAna pants Lululemon topI always seem to jump into the deep-end with sports or trying new things. Not only that, let’s talk about the perfect temp’s year around here in California. Awesome for training! I guess only time will tell.

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  1. That is amazing. I am not sure if I could run that far but for those who can, my hat goes off to them. What an accomplishment.

  2. Oh wow Triathlons, I’ve never done one, and most likely won’t ever because that’s just not me. But my fiance has done a Duathlon for Run/Bike/Run- and he did VERY well, he’s competitive and quite fast in running. My advice (from what he did for his races), he trained 6 days a week alternating days of which he trained. Once he figured he’d do enough of just one skill he started doing “mock” duathlons, maybe you could do that? See what your time would be, or do 2 out of the 3 if you can do the swimming part? Either way, good luck!
    Renee @ Getting Fit Fab recently posted..The Adventures of a Dog Named Baloo #BrightMind #CBiasMy Profile

  3. Wow – I have a friend who does triathlons – and I love her gear just like what you’ve shared –
    I’m not interested in heavy sports – love participating in group sports and hiking/jogging in the woods with my dogs –

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