Outfits of the week

Ah such an easy post to do, yet sometimes I don’t feel like my outfits are that photo-worthy. For instance, my Forever 21 jeans (the ripped one’s) are basically my at-home-uniform. I bought them so I wouldn’t wear out my good pants, especially if I’m cleaning the house, or on the floor playing with Alfie. So they’ll usually make an appearance more than once throughout the week.

My husband’s birthday is coming up soon. I’m planning a few things for him, but I can’t say what yet in case he reads my blog. But he does know that we’ll be taking advantage of some touristy things in the San Francisco Bay Area throughout the month of October, because we can’t let those coupons go to waste. I’m also pretty sure we’ll make another stop at the delicious Ghirardelli Square for a huge ice cream pig out.

What did you guys get up to this weekend, or did you lay low? Later on today I’m heading to my follow-up appointment with my hive-doctor-dude. Swear to jeeezshhhhzu he better give me some answers other than “keep taking allergy pills til they go away” … yeah, in 3-20 years! I certainty hope they’re not chronic because lawrdjaysus I can’t handle that itching. If I take what he “prescribes” me (it’s an over the counter allergy pill) it gives me incredible gut-wrenching pain in the middle of the night where I have to stay away for 1-3 hours. So, I’m allowing my body to now tell me what to do, rather than some medical professional I just met. I mean….

Wait. I was totally on a ramble spiel there for a moment. You were here for the outfit’s of the week. Alright alright, let’s get to it. These were outfits I wore last week. P.S I’m totally chaneling my inner-Megan on Thursday wearing leggings and a long tee. Don’t you think? :) ootw

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  1. I have missed your OOTWW posts since you’ve moved :( These are awesome and I specifically love the shoes. Awesome post Nancy (and PS, I hope your Dr treats ya better this time round).

  2. I love your Friday outfit. I’ve been feeling the leather Vans look these days and black is almost always my go-to color. This past weekend, I went out on a really nice coffee date. The first time I’ve been on a date in more than a year! I hope you enjoyed your week, your looks all seem super classy casual, so I bet that you did!

  3. I’d definitely say your outfits are photo worthy! Even if this was a particularly casual week, you make it seem so put-together anyway. I’m really liking Thursday’s top, and is that adorable pup Alfie?

  4. I love all of these outfits and could definitly use a little help in this area. My at home “uniform” is not very presentable and my leave the house outfit isn’t all that great either. I have a few things I love but not sure how to put thm together. I think I will check out these companies for more inspiration.
    Melissa recently posted..DIY Pinata & Candy WrappersMy Profile

  5. I have ‘those’ jeans I wear just around the house. You look great in all of the outfits. I like the middle off white shirt style, but it wouldn’t look good in my size.

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