Bitter-sweet life updates

Life lately has been a bit bitter-sweet, if we’re being honest. I had a bunch of posts scheduled to go live during the entire time I was home in Newfoundland (Canada, for those who don’t know). So as soon as I got back to California, I’ve been slack on the blog (not so much on social media though!). So I promise I will be back to regular blogging really really soon :) But for now, a little update:

Rebecca Minkoff meeting


Lexus NX200t

Squeeee x 3!!!!


  • Being back in California
  • Fall = layering clothes (aka my favourite way to style clothes)
  • Being back into a routine after Newfoundland
  • All the Holiday collections coming out
  • Blog/Vlog travel opportunities coming soon (can’t speak about it yet!)
  • Reviewing a Lexus luxury SUV crossover
  • Palm trees
  • My husband running his fastest half marathon ever (ran right in with the elites, just seconds on getting under 1hr 20 mins!) 
  • Visitors from Canada
  • Meeting Rebecca Minkoff, winning a purse of hers from my Polyvore set, and having her sign it.


  • Not having answers to my chronic hives & being itchy 24/7 (I’m still not going to show you pictures of my hives)
  • California being chillier than average
  • Giving back the Lexus luxury SUV crossover

If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ll see that I update frequently (aka daily) on facebook, twitter, youtube, and instagram. I will be back to regular blogging soon. I simply have to catch up on some posts I’ve been meaning to publish. Like, bringing back Pomeranian Fridays (requested by my Mother-In-Law, actually!!) and more outfits of the weeks (requested by other readers). So excited to be back to a routine again.

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  1. can you …combine Pomeranian and fashion posts into one? yes? as requested by me… (take that how you mean, fashion while holding pom, pom wearing fashion, etc)

    i really really hope they help you out with the hives soon :( i can’t believe you’re still dealing with that, i had assumed they’d cleared up by now…awful! glad there is some sweet mixed in with that <3
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