Outfit of the night: Great Gatsby

gatsby outfitA little while back I posted that photo above, on Instagram. It was unreal how interactive and popular the post was, so I thought I’d do an entire outfit post of the two of us actually dressed in the picture, rather than the clothing laid out on the bed. So if you couldn’t tell from the title of the post, my husband and I recently went to a Great Gatsby / Roaring Twenties Christmas party. It was SO fun to dress up in ‘costume’ and play the part.

Us standing

mrspiffykermsWe weren’t entirely sure how to pull off a 1920’s themed outfit. So I hunted the thrift stores with Mr. Spiffykerms and found the vest, jacket and hat for him there. That white shirt he’s wearing, is actually his wedding day shirt! :)

1920s dressAs for my outfit, I lucked out at Nordstrom Rack on cyber Monday. I picked up 3 dresses for under $150 total (I returned the other 2) trying to decide which one to wear. Ultimately I decided for the old school lace-looking one.

spiffykerms sitI wore my heels that I bought a few years ago, and as for my headband + feather, all I did was buy a sparkly headband from Michaels Craft store (also on sale!) and the feather was from there too. Rather than hot-glue-gunning it to the headband, I just pinned it in place with some bobby pins and was set.

The entire place was beautifully decorated too.1920s decor

And views of the San Francisco skyline at night? Unbeatable.SF skyline

roaring20sI love how it all turned out :)


We’re a pretty private couple and not big into PDA (public display of affection), but couldn’t help but post this holiday kiss and save the best photo for last. Teehee!!holiday-kisses

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