Getting my afternoon boost

Living in two homes for around a month has its challenges. For one, we didn’t have a fridge at the new place until recently; which meant any time that I went over to unpack during the day while Mister was at work, I “had” to pack snacks — these snacks.

Lucky for me I’m pretty organized especially when it comes to feeding the family members so we can all get on with whatever workload we set for ourselves for the day. For me, it means packing a significant amount of diverse snacks to keep everyone happy and content. It’s usually a piece of fruit, a pre-portioned bag of raw nuts, and a Shine Organics snack pouch (psst, that link is for a $1 off a 4 pack!).

When Mister can come to the new house, he’s bringing in heavy boxes while I’m sorting through the kitchen cabinets, deciding what goes where, etc. The master bathroom is the other priority, and I wish it wasn’t. It’s just the fact I have too many press samples and I cannot wait to offload them to whoever wants, and I’ve said that before in a previous blog post, I mean it! There’s no need for filling up all the drawers in the bathroom simply because I can.

Who’s sick of me talkin’ about this whole move yet?

See that smirk? It’s there for a reason, ’cause although we aren’t 100% moved over to the new house (re: food) I got a snack, and I’m not gonna get hangry. LOL.

I only recently discovered the Shine Organics, probably because I’m going through the aisles in Target that were forever skipped prior to me getting preggo. I found Shine Organics snack pouches there and used a $1 coupon, ’cause I like saving my dollars.

I know some people use these pouches for their kiddo’s but these are for adults too! I mean, I bought ’em for myself obviously — whatever works to get those superfoods in-ta-ya! Comes in a convenient lil’ pouch that you can chuck in your purse and be on with your day. When you need an afternoon boost, grab your Shine Organics pouch, drink up, and go on your merry way.

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