I never thought I’d see Dave Grohl???????? and the Foo Fighters play. Ever. My favourite band with so many memories attached to their songs. From the Wallnuts climbing days and climbing comps to songs attached to my 3 boys. An absolute dream come true and an amazing night thanks to Jazmin. I surprised myself and definitely shed a tear when I heard Dave Grohl walk on stage.

Little back story….I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kinda person and love last minute plans since I’m not much of a planner. One of my best pals Jaz texted me and asked me to respond immediately if I wanted to go to a Foo Fighters concert that night. YES I replied. Scott is 100% capable of taking our 3 sons, feeding them all supper. PJs. Teeth brushed. Stories. Bed. So huge thanks to him too.

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