Top picks from Annabelle TwistUps

Folks! I’m already ten days into the #24day challenge with Annabelle Cosmetics. Some of the colours are definitely out of my comfort zone, but I’m surprising myself and really enjoying the bolder colours out of the lot.

I want to let you know I’ll be putting up a giveaway to win all 24 of the colours towards the end of the challenge. If you can’t wait for that, the TwistUp shades are 25% off right now until the 24th, on Annabelle’s website. For Canadians you qualify for free shipping if you spend over $25. Folks in the USA pay $50 to be eligible for free shipping.

Anyhoodle. The point of this post was to show you my favourite colours thus far that I’ve tried out on these smackaroos of mine. So here are my top 4 picks: fav-annabelle-twistup

Follow me on instagram for daily selfies pictures of all the wonderful lip colours.

How often do you wear lip colour?

Pink or red?

Do you own anything by Annabelle Cosmetics?

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Why Reverse Pyschology Works

Hey guys! I’m back from my amazing wonderful weekend at BlissDom. Can’t wait to recap it all for you tomorrow!

The fiasco of my payless shoes vs Michael Kors pumps didn’t stop last weekend. It kept going. Oh yes, it did.

Leanne spotted my YSL glossy stain on a picture I tweeted out a few days before we met up again to go shopping in Toronto.

She mentioned that she too, wanted to try out the luxurious YSL product. I warned her that the lighter ones weren’t the best and she should stick to a darker out-of-her-comfort zone colour. We popped into the Bloor Street location of Sephora and immediately asked for assistance, since we’re both pretty unsure of what colours would suit her best. The Sephora rep picked out #23 Fuchsia Cubiste. Leanne picked up her colour and then we started browsing around with no intention to buy anything else.

The sephora rep came back to us and told me she needed to put some eye shadow on me and that I was going to love it so much I’d buy it today.

I thought to myself… hmm, you’re sure of that are you, lady? Well I’m not sure I will buy it to be honest because I never wear eye shadow. She told me I had the most beautiful blue eyes and I needed to play them up.

We walked over to one of the aisles and she swirled her magical brush into this baked Terracotta eye shadow by Laura Mercier and went to down on my lids. She asked me to look up and put some more colour down by my lower lashes. It tickeled, so I kept walking backwards and blinking as she was applying it. No biggie.applying eyeshadow

I opened my eyes and gave Leanne a side-eye questionable smirk. The sephora rep jogged over to another section of the store and told me to stay where I was. I needed eye liner. Back she came with a beautiful Estee Lauder liner in bronze.  I looked in the mirror, thanked her and whispered to Leanne that it was way too bold for my liking. But Leanne assured me it was a nice look and added a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ to my face. Okay, I’m comfortable with it, I suppose. smiling in sephora

I hope she sanitized it all. Guess I’ll know in a few days if I have pink eye or not, I said to myself (thankfully nothing went wrong with my eye balls).

I thought we were done at this point. Sephora rep’s don’t work on commission, so she must’ve really taken a liking to us because she wasn’t finished with my face yet. And asked if she could apply some blush/brozer. I think it was by Dior, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it.

I felt her apply the colour onto my cheeks. It took a really long time, I thought. She must just be blending it really well into my skin, I thought. It felt like it was going everywhere from my lips to my ears, and everywhere in-between. What is she doing?

Ta-da! I look at Leanne and she grins. I go look into the mirror and I’m utterly shocked, but not speechless. I felt like the Sephora person was trying to uglyify me (jokes). But she (Sephora rep) nodded, smiled and said; It looks great right?

I honest to God, felt like this woman. (source)

I made a confused face, tilted my head sideways and said. Ehhh. Wow. No. I actually hate it It looks horrible. I really need to take this off.

How does this happen to me? I didn’t suggest I was interested in any of these products nor did I pick up anything and look at it. I did not want to be tempted by Sephora that day. Reverse psychology works on me WAY better than telling me I’ll probably do something. I’ll guarantee I’ll do the opposite only because you think I’ll buy that eye shadow from you. I have the brain of a 13 year old pre-teen who decides to rebel against her parents, with this sephora rep. Missus loved my eyes, it was laughable.

Thankfully most of the blush/bronzer came off my face with a tissue that she rubbed over my face. I have to admit though, all day I felt like I was going on a date-night with the boyf. Except I was day shopping with Leanne.

I definitely didn’t mind the colours she used on me, but I definitely wasn’t used to it. Perhaps one day I’ll go back and try that baked eye shadow :)

We kept walking around Yorkvillle and I spotted a very fancy Lambo in matte purple, right outside the Kate Spade store. I only know this cars make, because I BBM’ed the photo to the Boyf and he wrote back Holy Crap. Lamborghini Gallardo?Lambo in Yorkville

At that point we were starved and decided to grab some grub at Jack Astor’s. sunnies

Leanne taking photos, for her blog post. Leanne taking pics of food

Ditto on that.

P.S. I hate onions.jack astors no onions

Waiting for the tasty food to come our way. posing at Jack Astors

By the way, I don’t use a fork and knife or napkins. I eat with my face. jack astors

We then took the subway down to the Eaton Centre and that’s when the shenanigans began at Browns Shoes. leanne and nancy at subwayWhat is your favourite thing to order at a restaurant?

Onions or no onions?

Do you wear eye shadow?

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BlissDom Canada is here!

Today is the day! I actually get to drive to Mississauga today after work! My car is packed with my suitcase and GPS and I’m ready to attend the biggest blogging conference in Canada. BlissDom Canada is here!

Some points I’d like to mention.


  • If you see me carrying around this Make Up For Ever tote. Come talk to me, I have 11 presents inside there for anyone who wants one!
  • I’ll be very active on twitter and instagram, follow me there.

See ya here on Monday for a recap, ok? :)

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