Filling my belly with some Bumble

Well now that you’re all caught up on the three large recaps of our road trip across the continent (recap 1 // recap 2 // recap 3), I can now finally get back to regular blogging.

Once we arrived in California, we stayed in a hotel for 5 or 6 days until we found a town house to move into. I didn’t realize a lot of places would let you move in the next day. You’d think it’d me more common to wait until the beginning of the month. We hired movers to unpack our U-Haul on Saturday February 15, and we’ve been settling in ever since.

On The Guy’s first day of work, Jessica came to pick me up and we went out for a bite to eat at Bumble. The restaurant is in Los Altos — a really quaint part of the silicon valley, yet very expensive to live.

BumbleI love their Graphic Design work on the menu’s and inside the whole place. It’s beautifully decorated and family friendly. There’s a play room for kids, and a fish tank that divides the play room and the restaurant up. Also, if you’re not a huge fan of children there’s also an adult-only area where you can eat.

Jessica suggested I order the BLT off their lunch menu. As for my drink, I couldn’t decide between the guava lemonade which sounded so refreshing on a warm winter’s day (ha! how funny does that sound) in California, or the regular lemonade. I asked the server what one I should try, and he suggested his favourite – the guava lemonade. Served with a paper striped straw and all. The perfect touch. It was as good as it looks, and sounds, my friends.

BTLA at Bumble Los Altos

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Canada to California: Day 2

My car was packed to the brim with suitcases that we had brought into the hotel the night before. We are the worst packers in the universe. I think we brought in SIX suit cases through the snowy parking lot in Illinois.I tried my best to put most of it into one or two that we could access easily through the drivers seat of my car since the other doors were inaccessible from the trailer keeping it in.

After the coldest shower I’ve had in my entire life we were on the road again to start day two of our drive and headed back out on the road. The breakfast lady from the Indiana hotel gave us a few bagels, and fruit for the road and told us to have safe travels. I kind of wanted to hug her. Scott Nancy and Alfie Uhaul

The first half or more of the drive across the nation was quite boring. It looked the same as what we were used to, and we thought we’d be in the clear with these sunny dry roads in Indiana. driving across the USA

But as soon as we hit Illinois we spotted 7 cars who had spun out into the ditches a span of 15 minutes. The roads got a little bad for an hour or so and then we were fine again once we got to Missouri.

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The move: Canada to California

Alright guys, I’m back with the internet and I’m ready to blog again!

But where do I even start? It’s so difficult to jump right back to where I left off but I guess that is what the plan will be. Keep checking back each week day as this will be my plan – to continue blogging Monday through Friday, beginning with the adventurous road trip from Waterloo Ontario Canada, to sunny Northern California.

If you’ve been following me on twitter and instagram these next few posts may be repetitive for you, but if not — keep on reading.

We estimated our drive to be 40 hours, by the calculations of google maps. What we didn’t know was that it was going to take closer to 60 hours to do the drive, due to the fact we were towing a 17″ u-haul with a trailer on the back, where my car was.uhaul and car We did the drive in 3.5 days rather than the 5-7 days we were initially going for. As you can imagine, we were driving non-stop on the second and third days/nights, swapping seats and getting sleep in the passenger seat.

We said our goodbye’s to the Waterloo apartment that served us many good times and years at that place. packing up

Our plan was to avoid the winter weather altogether since U-Hauls are known for having bald tires and getting trapped in the snow. Instead of taking the i-80 across the USA, which crosses over some wintery states, we opted for the more southerly route i-40 which took us from Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, to Arizona and finally California. 

We aren’t too far from the Michigan boarder crossing, and since it was open 24 hours, we made it in there at 4:00am. Clearly we left Ontario late in the evening. I have to say, it’s pretty intimidating having your whole life packed up in a truck and having the boarder crossing guards decide whether or not to let you have an American visa for a few years. Right then and there they decide whether to turn you around, or let you into their country. When we arrived the boarder crossing was pretty much empty due to the hour we arrived at, so it didn’t take too long for us to have everything done there. Quite honestly, my knees were trembling while I was waiting for them to go through the process with us standing there in front of them. I couldn’t get my legs to stop shaking. The guys working the night shift were making a few funny jokes to us, and broke the ice a little bit. Perhaps he saw a terrified look on my face and decided to take action.

Once leaving the boarder, we thought everything would go smoothly from here. However, the boarder crossing was the only thing that went smoothly throughout the drive. When you look back on it nothing went terribly wrong but at the time we were down in our spirits. Close to 22 hours of being in the vehicle and losing just HOURS of precious driving time (sleeping at rest stops and going to  Walmart to get a sim card for our phones took up way too much time) we  ended up calling it a night when we arrived to Indiana and arrived at the Clarion Hotel in Terre Haute around 9pm the first night. sunset in the uhal

Tons of sleep later we woke up, ate a huge breakfast in the lobby. Scott and I took turns eating solo due to the fact we had Alfie and didn’t think the dog-friendly hotel would enjoy dogs being in the eating areas of their hotel. We were absolutely famished in the morning, and the woman in the kitchen made a funny comment to me when she saw my plate filled to the brim now empty, saying I was small but could pack away the food. Sure can missus. I was starved b’y. big breakfastCome back on Wednesday and I’ll fill you in on the details of day two.

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