Ready for the freebies of the week?


This weekend will be a long weekend! Mucho needed. Tomorrow the BF and I will wake up early and drive to another Triathlon where he will compete, and I will cheer and take photos. It’s supposed to be nice out, but the past few days have been a bit wonky and chilly. Then Sunday I think we’re going to the Toronto CNE to see the air show, and do some browsing for deals (I got a fake iPod arm band for running.) at some point, we’ve been going for two years now. Monday is our last outdoor soccer game of the season, then it’s back to indoor. Better make the most of it!

Have a good weekend everyoneee…

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Who wants more money in their pocket?

I plan on posting in the freebies* and coupons* categories once a week. These are coupons/freebies that I have found online, and are reliable (yes, they actually do come!). I thought I’d share some of my recent favorites. Some of these coupons are only $0.50 off certain products, but when you see a sale you should use your coupons then and not on regularly priced items. Get more bang for your buck!

*Remember I am located in Canada, so these links may not work for the people in the US. If I find some good deals that are US Only, I will post them.
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