Pretty please?

There is a video contest going on at MEC’s website. In 2004 I went on a road trip across Newfoundland and was filmed while bouldering in Gros Morne at a place called The Arches. You can watch and vote for the awesome video here. I’m not sure when the contest ends, but please give us your vote! Unfortunately I’m not in the film very much, mostly spotting but the guys talking are literally my best friends from home — can’t wait to see you b’ysss (in the first part I’m wearing a yellow tank and throughout the last part you see me bouldering on an overhang and I’m wearing a dark tank). It’s great to see this video almost finished! I want to go home :)

Film by John Redpath.
Photos of us at The Arches.

On the right hand bar of “films like this” there is also another climbing film done from a few friends back home titled Newfoundland Climbing – The Fifth Element. It’s currently in the winner’s spot right now. That one is very well done by a buddy named Trevor. You should watch that one too.

Thanks all! xo

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Oh chillax!

Work is starting to get really busy again due to all the teachers going back to school and we’re near the end of the fiscal year. Oh, how I do adore how the days that actually fly by. But I’m not getting as much done as I had intended! Our Annual General Meeting is coming up in November and I’m trying to create a fab new brochure for the report. I have my colors and layout picked out (slate blue + beige). I’m just trying to decide on how I want to varnish it. I’m more simple and subtle, but I can’t figure out the perfect way to approach this. It’s been on my mind for about four months. Everything I look at, inspires me which is a great thing. I’m just not happy when I look at it on screen. “It’ll come” as they say.

I’ve had a lot of appointments come up in the last month or so: braces appointments (retainer), new dentist check–up, first chiropractor appointment, family doctor appointments (in another city!) … I think the list just goes on. It’s totally non–stop but my work is very lenient on the fact that I have no car and I can make up the hours by working longer. I’m so thankful that I have a place that will let me do this. Right now I have to make up 7 hours of work from the multiple appointments and half days that I took off to bus it to another city to go to these places. lol. It won’t take too long to build up time at work, since I rarely take lunch / eat it at my desk and work through it all. But OMG do I ever love making lists and crossing everything off when I finish. Such a great feeling of accomplishment lol. Watch this…

The TO–DO list at work:

  • Golf pkgs
  • Update Bill Payments on site
  • Create Marketing Report (Aug)
  • Check info e-mail
  • Create a business card sized ad for Ontario Fire Prevention Officers Assoc.
  • Put out Stock Star stuff on display at MSRs desks, PowerPoint, Posters, Flyers
  • 5,500 flyers to co–worker
  • Send co–worker 320 posters via courier to other office
  • Order stock at cucentral
  • CU Rep Memo – print out 200 B&W
  • Enter Referrals to database
  • Water plants (oops… they’re almost dead)
  • Mail insurance claim from Chiro appt
  • Make braces appt
  • Make DR appt


The weekend was pretty eventful. Trying to suck the last bit of summer out of us as we can, since it will be bitter cold weather again before we know it. Saturday morning we woke up at around 6AM and trotted off to Guelph Lake II Triathlon where I watched the BF compete. Sunday we slept in a little too long, woke up at 10 o’clock and I made the beau a ‘big breakfast’ and off we went to the CNE to catch the last glimpse of the air show. We did not get to plomp our bums down on the fresh green grass to look up at the sky at the roaring sound of jets just hundreds of feet above us. Rather, we were stuck in traffic on one of those freaking boulevards for one and a half hours. Needless to say, we both were not happy campers by the time we found a parking spot. However, I got cherry pretty quickly when I saw all the booths like Garnier giving away free samples and products! We stayed there for the rest of the evening and hopped back in the car around 11 at night. Theeeeeeeennnnn… of course on Monday we had to make one last stop at the beach before our summer came to an end. A beach in Paris for that matter. Sounds great doesn’t it? Paris, Ontario folks… Ontario. It wasn’t all that busy considering it was a long weekend and on the Monday for that matter. We swam, we relaxed, had a little picnic and lounged up until the mid–afternoon before I headed out for my last outdoor soccer game of the season. We owned the other team with a wonderful finish of 5–1. I didn’t get any goals, A team mate even said that I wanted it too bad, and it was true. I was disappointed but I still remain the top scorer on my team (I think!)

And of course, what would a post be without some fabulous pictures from said beach. Are you all jealous? More on my Flickr & Facebook accounts, if you are so lucky to have those links.

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