Ok, so I guess my news wasn’t as exciting as everyone might have thought. No, I am not engaged Neil! I just quit my job. My dream job, but had a lot of conflict with one person and I could never avoid it. So I decided to up and leave. It was for the best, meaning with my health and mental state. I was completly drained by the end of it, and I don’t regret quitting at all. I do miss the place, dearly. I’ve made a bunch of amazing friends. There WILL be other awesome web design opportunities for me, and I’m positive of that. I e-mailed my portfolio, resume and cover letter out all last week, and I made a ton of cold-calls and got a few contacts email addresses so that they could see the work that I am capable of. However, it’s a slow process. Mind you, I did move up to Ontario from Newfoundland and within 3 weeks I was hired at x-company. Star star sigh star star ;) Right Seanald? hehe. My “ex” co-workers are still so great to me. Helping me out with getting a new job & still hanging out and picking me up during lunch to go eat with them at places. <3
I’ve been spending a lot more time at Scott’s place now. Kind of feels like I’m being a visitor again and then flying back to NL. When I had a job it was only Fri, Sat, Sun that I would see him – and now I can stay….forrrreverrrrrahhh! Well. You know what I mean. Uhg, we just had a big old feed of McDonalds and my stomach is crying.
There is nothing on TV. No wonder I rarely turn on the tv at my apartment. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s episode of Desperate Housewives! Gah, did anyone see last weeks where Orsin’s Mom drugged him into having intercourse with his EX wife HAHAHAHAHA. Shocking, I love it. Gabby is my favorite character on the show though. I love how shallow she is, and her lines are always the best.
I’m off….to channel surf for the rest of the evening