Growing businesses

Happy Thanksgiving, all you Canadians! I’m preparing a chicken, with mashed potatoes, carrots and asparagus for our Thanksgiving. A turkey is way too much to cook for two people. It’s such a nice day outside, we might go out at some point to play Frisbee in the huge park across the street.

The Graphic Design place where I work, is growing so rapidly, that when I go back to work on Tuesday, we’ll be at another building. I’m thinking of biking to work, rather than taking the bus which would take me a crazy amount longer. It’s just going to suck taking the bus in the freezing cold, going all over town getting lost, then getting to work. I need studded tireds on that bike haha.

You’ll be proud that I finally uploaded a new song. Absolutly love Jack Johnson’s music. But you definitely have to be in a certain mood for it.

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Saying goodbye to two teeth!

I’m getting two teeth pulled at the Dentist’s office tomorrow morning. Almost time to get my braces on! I also have to go to the Orthodontist tomorrow afternoon, and get separators put in – whatever that means. They didn’t really explain it, all they said was something about elastics and my molars. *shrug.

I cannot wait to fly home. A little less than a week, and I’m at my parents house again. I miss everyyyyone. Obviously, I’m not as homesick as before, because I’m just counting the days to be back home. Whooo.

I took standard driving lessons with Young Drivers on Monday. I only stalled the car twice – once, while I was on a hill trying to push on the gas / let up the clutch, and the other time was when I was in reverse, and the instructor told me to keep going, but there were cars coming up the road – so I stopped lol.. wth.

I’m learning sooo much at work. I still need a bit of help with CSS, but I’ll also be learning CS! Pretty awesome.

I gotta go grab supper. BYE BYE

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Married in Ireland

I can’t get over how much I love work. Tomorrow afternoon actually, one of my coworkers is dropping me off at Scott’s place. Heck of a lot better than me taking a bus downtown to catch the Greyhound then catch another bus in Waterloo to get to his apartment!! Scott and I are going to go out for a run there tomorrow. Hopefully we’re about the same pace and I don’t have to stop so much :P

My Brother is getting married at the end of the month. I won’t be able to attend, unfortunatly. Too bad it’s in Ireland I say. I can’t afford another flight out east. I’m actually going home in a couple of weeks. Not really for a vacation however.

This weekend should be kinda busy. I’m meeting up with a friend who I haven’t seen in ageees – actually, more like a year and a bit. We only live 30 minutes away from eachother. We’re just we’re actually going to do something tomorrow.

I’m definitely thinking about creating a new layout. Using CSS even! I’m not a pro at it or anything, so the layout could look like total crap. But we’ll see.

I gotta go to bed. hehe

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