LISTEN all you climbers/outdoor activity related people. People who love to write stories.. I need your attention on this entry here folks. If you don’t know this already, I’m a Graphic Design student/occasional climber for 10yrs and I’m doing a 56pg climbing magazine as a term project for school. I need some feature articles, some of your stories. Stories about how you nearly died takin a whipper, the adrenaline running through your system as you’re competing in the finals at a national competition, tell me what shoes you like the best/least, and why.. Anything. I need stories, about anything! Send them in, and you’ll be in my magazine. I suck at writing, and I don’t want to be taking stories from magazines like Rock & Ice, or Climbing. I want real stories, real people, different things. Just e-mail me ( if you’re interested.
Bored today
Today, I am bored. Hence the updating. I did un-needed laundry, (1 pair of jeans). I also downloaded a crap load of music from Bonobo and Hermitude. Hermitude is amazing. I should put one of the songs up for you to download at the end of this entry.
Hopefully tonight will be more exiting, as I’m going to watch some films. Yaay. I might fly to Ontario next week, it all depends on a certain money situation that’s going on. I’m keepin’ my fingers crossed. K, I’m gone.
1st snow day
Score. The first snowday of the year. It wasn’t that bad out this morning. My Mom called out to me, 8 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. I didn’t really answer her, until she told me that there was no school this morning. Me: “kay!” SWEET SWEET SWEET. It’s so hard to go back to sleep, when you’re excited like that, but I managed, until 12:00P exactly. I have a few things to do today, such as start my layout on my 56 page magazine for school. A little intense, yes – but it’ll be super cool when it’s finished. aand andd.. I have to mock up my very first INVOICE of my Graphic Design career. So exciting. I did a logo for a Lawyer’s Library, and – it’s just exciting. That’s all there is to it.
I’m going to take a bath. I also might go get a certain waxing done, but I need advice. Ahem. Yah.
I should create a e-mail address. I don’t know what to put down for my name though. would be soo long, and weird. Maybe I won’t make one afterall. G’bye folks – oh yeah, finally a new song for you all to download.