Flush the toilet!

One thing that really irks me about public washrooms and why I’m so afraid of them, is because you dirty girls don’t know where the flipping flush handle is. What the hell are your problems? It’s sick. I almost vomit in my hands when I see that. I was at the gym today and had to pee after my run. It was a good hour and a half work out today. I haven’t been to the gym in about a week and a half, and boy is it hard to get back in there.. only taking such a short break too.

So, one of the Mac CD rom drives shat on my cd. It scratched up all the information on my CD. I’m glad it wasn’t such an important CD either. I would’ve lost it.

I’m starved. I might go climbing tonight. My free mth membership is up in a few days. Not cool – I climbed maybe once since I got that membership :( Leave a comment or two one of these days, will ya? LATER b’ys!!

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I just spent the whole day working on an iMovie on the Mac at school. I saved it really small, so I could upload it here and show you all. It’s a climbing video I put together. We’re supposed to present it to the class on Tuesday. Now, most of these photos aren’t mine. I got some off echo base and also found some around the internet. View the video I made if you’d like here: iMovie. So, I bought my plane ticket to Waterloo in November. That was super exciting. Now.. how many days is it until I leave? haha, I hate it when people count down days like that, especially on their msn name. For frick sakes, don’t you guys realize how annoying it is? ANyway…..enjoi the movie. I’m off to feed the dog.

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Scott’s trip!

Wow! Where have I been lately. Hmm, let me recap these past four days while Scott was in town. Oh, uhh.. how about amazing?! I had the greatest time with him. It was a perfect time for him to come visit me, because school just started two weeks ago, we haven’t really had any assignments nor homework, so I got to spend all of those full 4 days with my favorite guy. I’ve got some pictures here too, they’re right here if you want to view them.

I just got back from soccer. We were playing in drizzling rain, and incredibly windy weather. I won’t be surprised if I wake up tomorrow with the sniffles. My shoes are soaked, so they’re drying upstairs near the heater. Man, I’ve been playing a lot of left mid this season. Today, I almost got a goal. Hit the tip of the goalies fingers, went in a bit – she backed up and caught it again. Friggen frig is all I’m going to say about that! Oh, and I still haven’t recieved my nice new DC shoes. But by the UPS website tracking, it says they’re just in the next twin city. Hopefully they’ll arrive at my house tomorrow.

Well, back to cleanin up this messy basement of mine. Lates!

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