High on coffee

Two updates. Two days. I had the first coffee of my life, today at work.

Worked a 12hr shift. 8am-8pm. Around noon I started to doze off because the floor I was working on, wasn’t busy at all. No phones ringing, just me sitting on my butt, staring at the walls. I decided to go to Timmy Ho’s and pick up a coffee for myself. I drank it all within 15 minutes. I pepped up for the rest of the evening. Got home, and now I’ve cleaned my whole basement. Washed down the bathroom walls, cleaned the toilet, sink, vaccumed and washed the bathroom floor. On my third load of laundry, and hit my main room. Vaccumed the whole area, dusted everything, and washed the floor. Even cleaned the dogs food and water bowl. I’m going to take a nice long shower now.

I got home 1 hour ago

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My brother had a baby boy and named it Guy. Guy’s funeral will be on Friday morning. My Mom might go over there, she’s not sure yet. The cost is very expensive, especially since we’ll be making a trip Christmas time. I took time off work today, even though I probably shouldn’t have. I did a whole bunch of laundry and just chillin at home alone. Anyway.. I don’t have much to say. My pictures from Ontario, will be posted shortly. Check back on the weekend. Laura’s going away party is Saturday, I think my cousin Nat will be in town then. Cya..

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I uploaded some photos from the bonfire that I planned tonight. You can find them in the photograph section of my website. We had a good time, Laura brought some munchies, always key for the hungrys. My cousin Nat is in Newfoundland for a bit now. So we all went out tonight. Also, BC Boy Jonny came out with us too. I still haven’t uploaded the photos from my Waterloo trip. There’s just so many, so I didn’t go through them all yet, and upload them to pbase.

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