Really now?


Who is that scared of cutting their fingers off. Really now. Better be careful you guyyyyys. Do you know that I cannot properly cut carrots sticks, for the life of me? None of them come out all nice and perfect, but I know this little gadget (which is exactly what it is. A freaking gadget.) wouldn’t be able to do it. I know that some inexperienced chefs (the boyfriend perhaps?) would probably be able to put this cutter to use. But not I. What do you think about it all? Is it all a gimmick like some crazy acne serum sold on the street? Who makes that?

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Polyvore my boredom

More polyvore outfits. I swear, this would keep anyone occupied while waiting on significant others to get ready and head out. Moving along…

lululemon[click to enlarge photo]

Check out the lululemon gear I have going on. They didn’t have these running pants that I bought on huge sale during the Boxing day sale ( saved some good $$$!), but none the less I made it happen. Looks cute hey? I don’t run outdoors because I’m lame, but this is what I’d be sportin’ on a treadmill or just having a generally lazy day and just wanted to be in the most comfortable clothes. For some reason this one didn’t save on my polyvore site. LAME! I really hate those pink and grey “peace sign/striped” socks I have listed – but polyvore isn’t exactly a sock loving website. It was difficult to find! So I went with the first short ankle pair I saw. Thrilling.

Also, I made this svvvanky outfit. Totally made up that word. Loveeeee

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Don’t you love that purse, too? Ugh. I die.

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