Mundane Sunday

I don’t normally post some of my “work” up here on my public website. But I thought I’d show you  a little something I did last night. Yea, on a Saturday night. How fun are we?  (While BF was napping, for a longgg time hehe). Though it’s not really work. Just wasting time around in Photoshop, for an estimated five minutes, tops. My white shirt in the edited photo looks like I’m wearing some satin/silky top. Fail. Eventually we watched a movie I’ve never heard of Lucky number SLeven. We rented a blue ray last night courtesy of Rogers Video … BF got a free movie rental for being such a “great rogers customer” or some crap like that. Anyway, regardless of Rotten Tomatoes giving it a mere 51%, it actually wasn’t a bad movie. Unlike other movies, when we watch it on BF’s projector and amazing comfy couch, I usually fall asleep within fifteen minutes tops. I assume it’s because it’s a lot more cozier than sitting in the seats at the theater. I didn’t even nap yesterday! Weekends are for napping. Shame on me.


Soccer is canceled tonight, we found this out on Thursday (even though it’s written on our schedule, I guess nobody really reviews the schedule until last minute then realizes we don’t have a game, so we all send out a mass e–mail telling our players lol). I’m assuming it’s because of the gotdang Superbowl, that nobody up here really even cares about. But, do what ya gotta do I suppose. Hopefully we’ll be able to make up for it after all of our other games have been played. Signing up for outdoor this week. It’ll be a huge change as I’m use to now playing twice a week, where as in outdoor it’s only 1 game per week, and rarely I go to practice because I feel like we don’t do much there whatsoever. I’m going to get an ass whooping for sure (as is everyone I assume) getting out on the grass for the first time in April/May (whenever the season starts). The length of the field will be soooo huge, and the nets… oh gosh, the goals we’ll all think we’ll get, because of the size of the net! haha!

I feel like going to the mall today to spend my $50 generic gift certificate for the whole entire mall. I have no idea what I want to buy, but I want to spend it wisely and get as much as I can, out of the fifty bucks. Oh what fun. I need socks.

All in all, this weekend was pretty restfull for me, considering… (let’s not get into details, shall we). So? What did you all do this weekend?

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I like it.

Pretty cool if you’re looking into some small business opportunities.  Sell your artwork to the city, where they can probably produce large posters to go on bus stop shelters and things. People would totally stand under the art work and take photos. What better way for a designer to get their work out? There’s so many options out there. I mean it doesn’t have to be drawn, it could be something illustrated too. So many ideas! It’s neat though, huh? You can visit the website here for more cool art drawn using a white board.

Happy Friday! So, what does everyone have planned for the weekend? I’m going to the boyfriends all weekend long and going to make some delicious supper’s. I also have to do a butt load of laundry, plus pick up some detergent. Fun fun!

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