Things I’m Loving // One

We kind of have a mishmash of furniture. From a few items we brought down in the u-haul, buying white clean pieces at Ikea and then getting some free furniture from our friend’s father (who is moving house and going back to Canada). It’s hard to decorate that kind of stuff! Here is what an ideal design board would look like, if I had total control and endless amounts of money.

Things I’m Loving:


Zig Zag Towels // Pineapple Candle Holder // Garden Pots //Table Lamp // Butterfly Placemats // Triangle Pillow // Striped Pillow // Radial Pillow //  Glass Vase //  Anthropologie Rug //  Beige & Gold ottoman

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That caught me off guard

I don’t think my social calendar has been booked so tightly in my entire life. As you can imagine, The Guy and I are very busy with the upcoming move to California, so I’ve been trying to book up my days and weekends to visit family and friends one last time before I go.

My co-worker Julie wants me for next Tuesday and Saturday nights — so I wasn’t expecting a surprise party like I had last night when I got back to work. She did that because they knew I can piece together things, and put two and two together fairly well. They had to trick me!

Let me back up a moment here.

The Guy asked to use my car (his isn’t winterized) and I had to ask a co-worker who lives around the corner from me, if I could hitch a ride with her in the morning. I almost regretted it because she likes to arrive 1-2 hours BEFORE work even opens. But I didn’t want to take 2 busses and over 45 minutes of travel to get to work that day.

Considering how nosy I am when it comes to planning secret events or wondering what my co-workers are up to on a daily basis, they’ve definitely pulled the wool over MY eyes last night.

I had no clue about the whole thing and I loved that it was such a surprise. You know how some days it’s a fun day at work and you just chat a lot? Yesterday a few people had their office doors closed and I just thought they were in a bad mood so I didn’t bother them. Much to my dismay, of course: PLANNING A PARTY! Friggen right!

I’ve never had a surprise party before – and now I know what it feels like to be truly surprised.

My bosses daughter, a fav co-worker of mine, (Amy) booked me in to hang out with her after work. I thought she was being pretty smart booking me off a few weeks in advance due to the fact she knew I’d be busy with the move. Little did I know.

We headed to the mall at 4:30 and didn’t get any questions about me sneaking out early since I hitched a ride into work with L at EIGHT A.M! Because low and behold The Guy needed my car for this secret going away party! I was wondering if he was using my car for moving preparations and I mentioned to some co-workers “he better not be having fun with my car tomorrow” (he usually asks to use my car to go skiing/biking). Amy and I took my bosses car and had to be back to the office by 6pm. When we pulled into the parking lot, I parked quickly as I wanted to sneak in the back door to give my boss a good freight, so I literally ran up the hallway but also trying to be quiet.surprise

I stopped dead in my tracks when I passed the board room, and that’s when I saw 3 co-workers sitting across, smiling at me. My face probably dropped and that’s when the tears started flowing and I snuck away to cry for a moment. When I walked into the board room, I noticed the popcorn, the candy, pizza , popcorn and Fossil gifts. All of my favourite things. Jeeze the staff knows how to make someone feel special, and loved.

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IKEA Makeover

I’ve been on an organizing kick lately. I mentioned in my closet organizing post that I was at Ikea and picked up some more pieces for our apartment.ikea shopping

Since I bought this as a “Surprise! I organized our apartment” while The Boyf was gone, I didn’t have any help bringing these up from the parking garage to our place.

Mind you, I started putting together the chair and decided to wait for The Boyf to come back home before I broke anything or put it on backwards and taking it apart is probably worse than putting it together from scratch from the beginning. Everything from IKEA is hard to put together. I can’t believe even the cardboard storage boxes required mini screws and bolts.

I showed you my desk makeover. Details of my IKEA purchases will be below.

ikea-deskThis desk is much nicer than my old one. Plus it’s a little longer by a few inches which means that it doesn’t feel as busy if there’s a few more things sitting on top.

I haven’t really started organizing the drawers. But here’s a peek inside starting from the top:

ikeabookshelfThat bookcase? I laughed about the situation I was in while bringing it upstairs. I was literally slow dancing with this 6 foot tall box. It was … no joke, about 150lbs and I couldn’t lift it up, nor push it on its side. Getting it up into the apartment was a feat in itself. Afterwards I was sweating, a lot. But I managed to do it!

lower-ikea-shelvesLower part of the bookcase, we installed a set of drawers and a cupboard. All sold individually at IKEA.

top-ikea-drawerI knew I wanted storage space for all of my makeup and junk.

lower-ikea-drawerI used sturdy Glossyboxes to store things like facial cleansers, and razors.

inside-ikea-cabinetIn this bottom cabinet I have a tidy box and inside it stores extra foundations, shower gels and other beauty products. Plus my sneakers that I wear to CrossFit.

Ikea desk:

Ghost chair:

Ikea bookcase:

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