I’ve been so tired these past few days and I don’t know what the cause of it may be. Since I’m super low in iron I always take supplements every 2 days since I find it too harsh on my body to take them every day.  I notice they give me energy but maybe I’m just so excited that I’m going home next week? I don’t really know, but thankfully it’s the weekend and tomorrow I can possibly sleep in a bit. Last night I even went to bed at 8:00pm and had 12 hours of sleep. This weekend my boyfriend has to get some Christmas shopping done and of course I’ll be helping him pick them out, but we won’t be on the go at 9am at least. Ugh, sleep is the best.

I’ve also been slacking on getting together outfits on Sunday nights for the week. But here we are with another OOTWW (Outfit of the work week).

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Christmas Party!

My work’s Christmas Party was on Saturday night and I had a ball while completely sober lol! Imagine.

I ended up wearing my sage colored dress that I received from GoJane.com. I also got my hair done at the hair salon for the first time ever. I’ve never had an up do before! It was purdy, you can see a mini tutorial of me trying to re-create the look from yesterday’s video post.

Hope some people don’t mind me posting these photos. I know a few of my co-workers read this blog, so just e-mail me later on and I can take some of them down if you wish.

Here they are! Weee!!!!!!

My dance partner in crime and good friend Janine! Hi Janine :)

The retired CEO, the guy that teases me so much I can’t handle it. He’s super funny, and a great man. You’ll see further down in the photos that I was dancing with him! He’s so fun.

The ladies on the floor. Can you spot me?

My eyes are way too open. Oh well, a nice shot of my boyfriend and I.

(Click all the photos to enlarge them!) This is my favorite photo of the night. Just as I was leaving, he came over to me to say good bye and noted that I hadn’t danced with him at all throughout the night, wondering when/if we were going to do a Newfie Jig. I raced right up to the DJ asking him to play a newfie song right after the next one. Sure enough he did, and we pounded the dance floor throughout the whole song, swinging me from side to side, and doing that arm lock thing where he spins me around. I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling. :)

That’s it! Those are some of the many photos from the weekend’s party.

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So I took the bus again this morning. We have two pets in the household, Alfie our dog and Boris the hedgehog. Boris isn’t doing so great so my Boyfriend is going off to the vet with him, since I have winter tires on my car. They’re renovating the bus terminal and I couldn’t find my second bus today! Drama! Thankfully I was early and could track it down.

Didn’t plan out my work attire last Sunday. I really hate doing that because I spend too much time during each week night evening trying to decide what to wear the next morning.

Yesterday I went to the other branch to market out company as there was a “Winter Market” type of event going on with vendors and booths set up. I happened to purchase this very fancy looking, ever so sparkly necklace. Don’t you love?

Here’s the outfit of the week! Sometimes I wish I had better lighting, because Tuesdays’ outfit was really nice. But in the photo it doesn’t show the dimensions. The sweater is a nice soft a bit fuzzy/fluffy and cozy, and the pants and shirt are not one jumpsuit but rather a top and bottom, lol.

Less than two weeks and I’ll be home in Newfoundland with my fam-jam! How exciting!

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