On the PD Day that my co-workers and I attended last week, I wore my fancy suede booties and my sale-purchase from Anthropologie: the striped sweater. I was ever so careful walking around people with coffee and food all the time so nobody would spill anything on me.
Then it was break time. I ended up being so cold in the building that I left my jacket laying on my legs to keep me warm. I decided to grab a hot chocolate. I brought it to the table I was sitting at, and drank it slowly. I even finished it! By that time it was around lunch and the only sink avail was in the washroom. I rinsed out the cup as hot chocolate always has gunk on the bottom, and chucked it in the garbage. That was my main mistake. Not being careful chucking my cup out.
I failed to notice for about 45 second, as at this point I was using the washroom and looked down and saw this…
Moments after the incident.
Some advice from co-workers was to wash it off immediately. Well that didn’t seem right, because then I’d have huge water stains. But what’s worse? Water stained, or hot chocolate stained? I decided to leave it and end up looking for a different way to get this dirt out of my boot. Someone told me to use a wire suede specific brush, and maybe use part vinegar part water after.
I brought my boots home and the boyfriend thankfully had a pity party for me. We let it sit for two whole… very long days in the hall way. I was then getting agitated trying to figure out how to get this stain out without ruining my new boots. Everything was left into the hands of the Boyfriend as he’s a pro at getting stains out of my clothes (I’m a messy eater). And so he did!! I mean look at them! I can’t even tell where the stain was!!!
Oh, and if one spill wasn’t enough? I totally almost ruined my Anthropologie sweater cardigan by splashing soup all on my face and having it fall right on top of my brand new top. Awesome. Thankfully it was a white soup (potato something or other) instead of a permanent stained tomato based one. WHEWF…
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