This weeks Outfit of the Work Week comes with a bonus edition! How… exciting. I decided to post last Saturdays, primarily because I never wear that red fancy jacket that I purchased in Ireland (except for going out to formals/weddings, etc) and two — I bought two pairs of boots that I needed to show off. Remember if you would like to know where to buy anything I am wearing, just click the image below to enlarge it, and everything is posted below each image.

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I promise I’ll write about the wedding I attended on Saturday, but first I want to show you something:

Not just boots — boots with heels!

Unfathomable. Me in heels let alone boots? While I was at Winners on Friday during my lunch break, I had in my head that I needed some boots to go with skinny jeans and pants. I didn’t know if I wanted rounded toes, heels or flats, long boots or short ones. Then I came across two completely different looking boots and spent the whole hour of my lunch break trying to decide which ones to purchase. I loved them both and ended up purchasing both pairs. Heels definitely add a completely different look to your outfit. I never used to be a huge fan of heels as I’m already 5 foot 6, and I don’t want to be super tall. I definitely dislike being taller than my boyfriend but these heels put me a tad bit shorter than him still, thankfully for the both of us (both are 4″ heels).

Even my co-workers have told me that they’re proud of me! HA HA. I am so stoked and I’ve been rocking both sets of heels all week long.

Aren’t they great? Which ones are your favorite?

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Alright, photo post for just three days this week. It was Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday and I was in Newfoundland. I got back on Tuesday and took off the day from work and went back on Wednesday. So here you have it!  I need to start running more to cut down on the food baby I have created this week.

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