Casual outfits for going out, but could also incorporate this to wear to work (minus the skinny jeans, but turn those into pants and you’re set!)
Top: Mexx
Necklace: Forever 21. Seriously gals, you need to get some jewelry here. This place is crazy cheap. I think this necklace was something like four bucks. It’s so pretty too right? I get compliments on it… so I must be doing something right.
Belt: American Eagle circa 2003 or something ridiculous. I always forget I have belts… so they don’t get used much.
Jeans: A recent purchase from H&M. These skinnies cost a mere $25. Not bad not bad, for some nice bum jeans.
Flip flops: Abercrombie, but switched to Aldo flats.
Paired with my yellow Nine West purse purchased from Winners, ages ago…
Didn’t notice that I owned so many things from Mexx. That top was on sale towards the end of last summer for $14.99 – killah deal… or an appropriate price for a cotton tee, don’t you think.
I wore brown flats with this outfit and could have easily pulled off heels. However, I feel as though I need to invest in some new heels. The one’s that I have seem outdated and not really me anymore. Maybe I should snap a photo.
Alright, see? Okay so the patent leather peep (ALDO) is always a nice fav, but I rarely wear these.
I was bored waiting for the Boyf to get ready (who ever said it takes girls longer to get ready? Pshhh, they were ruhhh-ung wrong…)
Next outfit. Going out outfit! Casual enough for work, but dandy enough to wear out for dinner and drinks with friends. You can see where I purchased everything because I wore it on Tuesday’s OOTD post, I did wear this on Tuesday and went out with some friends. Can you spot me? Tee hee.
It’s another beautiful day out today, and I just took Alfie on what seemed like the longest walk in history. Apparently we only walked 5.42km’s (it took about an hour and a half. A stroll shall we day).
What did you do today? Buy anything at local fresh markets, or go on a stroll with your puppy or friends? Let me know! :) Have a great Saturday all.