Ebay finds

I can’t stand bidding on eBay. I’ve had a few things outbid on me seconds before the item expired. It’s almost stressful! That’s why I’m more of a fan of ebay sellers who list “buy it now” or “best offer” on their ebay site.

I don’t know what possessed me to look on ebay for clothes, but I think it may have had something to do with Laura’s blog post (Buy Now Blog Later) about this scarf that she purchased on Ebay. As soon as I saw it on her blog I clicked the ebay link and from there all hell broke loose. So far I’ve contained myself to four purchases. {1} {2} {3} {4}

So with regards to that, I’ve decided to compile a list of ebay sellers and items in particular I’m eying. Why does everything look great on the models? They’re so convincing!

Above is joojoocomco2010‘s ebay listings. {1} {2} {3} {4}

This ebay seller is probably my favorite: ccclothcc‘s ebay {1} {2} {3} {4}. I wanted to show you many more than four outfits. But then the post would be overwhelming. The prices are really low, compared to the one listed above. I also like a lot more pieces from her Ebay store than any others.

Above: auysfdesign‘s ebay. {1} {2} {3} {4}

Above: evajuni‘s ebay. {1} {2} {3} {4}. Who doesn’t want to accessorize their outfits with a little purse love? These one’s are mostly Balenciaga knock off’s.

What do you think? Did I convince you to start shopping on Ebay?

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All of my OOTWW (outfit of the work week) pieces have been recycled so to speak. I was feeling lazy Sunday night and didn’t want to think of any new pairings. So I went through all of my OOTWW posts, looked through the images and grabbed the outfits from months ago and paired them together for this week. I’m sure you all really care. But there ya go, sometimes I cheat like that.

Some outfits work so well together that I consider them my uniform. If I’m going out anywhere unexpected and I have no idea what to wear, I gravitate towards those type of outfits. I personally think that’s a brilliant idea myself and love having these uniforms to go to. For instance my safe outfit this winter that I’ve worn quite a bit was this outfit (see Friday) and this outfit (see Tuesday).

Want to know how I plan what I’m going to wear throughout the week? I’ve written a post back in December on how I get everything together for the week. Check it out!

Now, onto this week’s OOTWW:

Are you guys interested in seeing what I’ve been wearing to climbing and crossfit? Should I do an OOTD for those posts and include them in here each Friday as well? I don’t think I’ll be doing them for every time I go to exercise, since I feel like it’s a lot of the same outfits. Either way, I’d like to hear your thoughts and get some input!

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My CrossFit Journal (1 year + 1 week in)

My post is a bit late. Usually I post my CrossFit entries on Monday. Busy posting schedule this time! 

Moses. One year in. Let’s see how I did, shall we?


day one

25 minutes:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
I love sick workouts like this. I love kipping pullups, I kinda don’t mind pushups, situps or squats either. But putting them all together to see how long it takes me to do this crazy WOD.
Our warmup was similar and kinda nuts:
2 minute squat hold
15 pullups
2 minute squat hold
15 pushups
2 minute squat hold
15 situps
2 minute squat hold
15 squats
2 minute squat hold

Day of, and then 6 days later. Gross, I know. Apologies.

We had a 25 minute time limit. I didn’t come close to finishing the workout at all. 100 pullups took most of my time and ended up giving me an ugly blood blister which has yet to go away. I had 29 pushups left to do. My lats were sore for DAYS that I decided to not go much that week at all.

[older crossfit journal entries]

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