Wallet hunting

I’m on the hunt for a new wallet.

I don’t carry much cash on me, but when I do there isn’t much room for it because the wallet I”m currently using isn’t really a wallet. I guess it’s like a coin purse. I purchased it online (I forget where) and it’s a Juicy Couture brand.

While I do still love the wallet, I just need a change right now. Plus, it’s looking a little rough around the edges. Literally. Zipper on the first pocket is ripped off and sitting inside the pocket.

Here are some of my recent favs, but not omg must-haves. Know what I mean? None of them really stick out to me. But I thought I’d show you what I’m looking at, ha! Until then, I will wait til one sticks out. Just like my blue one did two years ago.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

What kind of wallet do you carry around? Take a photo and show me! :)

What are everyone’s plans for this wonderful late January evening? I was thinking of going to CrossFit but I also have to help a friend look for Occupational Health & Safety Technician Jobs. I think I’ll end up doing both though.

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It’s been a while since my friend Tanya did an OOTWW collaboration on my blog. Her and I have a very similar sense of style. I’m often more envious of the ways she puts together her outfits. My favorite is definitely Monday’s. I’m still trying to master the skirt/tights/boot look. Whenever I do it, it just looks out of place. I want that skirt. I also wanted to let you know since I was concerned the first three days. She does have multiple pairs of those artizia tights :) ha!

Here is my OOTWW:

(click image to enlarge)

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I’m featured in Tia Star!

Tia Star is one of Canada’s first online clothing stores in Canada. She launched her site back in 2009 and her clothes are made to be comfortable, great quality at an appropriate price.  Tia e-mailed me not too long ago and asked me for a quote for her Look Book. I ended up thinking of the quote below, as there aren’t any rules for fashion. Make your own! :)

I’ve been featured the Look Book and it’s now available online on her website. Check out the great images, and style of clothing she’s been advertising on her site. Amazing stuff. I love the images that I’ve shown below. I think the blazer in the middle picture is my absolute favorite and the red jacket is calling my name.

Great images hey? See her Look Book here.

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