Long Weekend Eats

I’ve always been fond of Labour Day weekend. Perhaps it’s because it’s my two love-birds of parents anniversary on the 4th. Or it’s the last hurrah before my favorite season comes out to play.

Gotta admit though, I felt a little jipped this summer with the weather. Where was Ma Nature in July? We’re getting heat this weekend but it makes me long for it even more. Putting my woes aside, I’m about to tell you all about our weekend even though it is only half way over.

We did a bit of relaxing out on the balcony, watching the thunder storm and having a few snacks and bevvies. Pardon the iPad photo.
Even though my boyfriends major race of the year is now over (Ironman Mont Tremblant) he’s still going strong in September. Yesterday he booked it down close to the USA boarder to Chatham for a time trial bike with one of his friends. That left me with the entire day to myself. Which usually results in a lot of money spent when I’m bored, hungry and need groceries.

I didn’t go too hog wild because I would’ve had to carry up all the groceries myself from the car and I dislike making multiple trips. 3 bags of groceries from 4 different places, including a trip to the Farmer’s Market and a stop into the Health Food Store.

Oh and to Target to pick up these sweet kicks for $19. I can’t wait til they’re broken in and look more rugged. target-mossimo-katelyn-boot

baggu-bagsLet’s see what we’ve got in here.

groceriesSorta left to right starting clockwise at 11pm ;) Hemp Hearts (on sale!) // Vegan Tomato & Avocado vinaigrette // Farmers Market Peaches // Sweet Corn // Light Havarti // Red Peppers // Broccoli // Sprouts // Apples // Tomato // Vegan Gluten Free Brownie // Lara Bar // Dempster’s Thins // Dried Unsweetened Mango.

Total: $26.31

And because I felt like it, I went to the drive-thru and got myself some lunch for under four bucks, thanks to dollar drink days.mcdonalds

I made some pretty mouth-watering meals this weekend, won’t lie. Then again, we’re pretty easy to please.

Supper consisted of a roast chicken breast // white roasted potatoes // Farmers Market corn on the cob (best I’ve had in years. Thanks Herrles) // and Herrles carrotssupper

Breakfast one morning on our balcony.  Multi-grain Dempster’s Thins // Sausages // Maple Leaf Prime bacon // Farmers Market peaches from Herrles // Egg omelet with mushrooms, peppers, and tomatoesbreakfast-with-dempsters-th

I got a little creative with lunch over the weekend and made a really healthy plate of finger foods for us to eat on the balcony again. Sandwhich ingredients: Multi-grain Dempster’s Thins // Sprouts // Red Pepper // Tomato // Mushrooms // Spring Mix // Chicken // Light Havarti // Roasted Red Pepper Aioli.DempstersThins-sandwich

Apple with a vegan gluten-free brownie which was still so terribly unhealthy (ingredients list had shortening which is worse for you than lard. Shortening has tons of trans fat). Oops. Read your labels folks! Didn’t realize it until the boyf scolded me after I showed him the brownie and raved how wonderful it tasted, then brought up the ingredients photo. Lol.vegan-gf-brownie

You may have noticed a reoccurring trend in my meals above with the Multi-grain Dempster’s Thins. I’m currently working with them on a campaign to promote their products. My Boyfriend always buys bread as he carb loads like crazy on a daily basis. He doesn’t stop running around (literally), swimming and biking for 5+ hours. In fact, he’s out on his tri bike right now with a friend for a 200km ride.

Since I stopped eating Paleo I’ve slowly incorporated carbs back into my diet. I love ciabatta bun sandwiches but often times it leaves me feeling bloated as it’s such a thick piece of bread. Using the Dempster’s Thins I have the best of both worlds. No bloating since they’re thin and getting to dive into luxury with a bit of carbs in my belly and not worry about the calorie intake so much. In fact, Dempster’s Thins have 50% less calories than their leading whole wheat bread. Obviously due to the fact that the bread is much thinner and you’re eating substantially less. But that’s the point. We don’t need to eat a ton more! I’m completely satisfied with the thin bread.

I’d like to share some coupons with you guys if you wanted to buy them for yourself this week with the kids going back to school, or you just going back to work and want to be prepared ahead of time.

Coupon for DempstersTHINSSave a $1 on your next Dempster’s product.

If you’re on Twitter and are around on September 10 at 9PM EST, Dempster’s Thins is having a Twitter Party! The hashtag being used will be #WinWithTHINS with over $1,000 prizes including a Nike + FuelBand. Would love to see you there!

And for those one’s who want to win a little somethin’-somethin’,  I’ve got a little something up my sleeve. Sandwich crumbs? No no silly, a giveaway for my Canadian readers. More Dempster’s coupons! 8 of them in fact.

Be sure to stay in the loop with them on their Social Media channels:

Onto the giveaway! Canadian residents only. Contest ends on September 10th at 11:50pm EST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 26

Ahh last week left my legs feeling like jello. I went three times in a row. The third day I was summoned to the world of Karen. The Karen WOD is 150 wall balls and I hate wall balls. Please continue ;)

P.S I clearly love pink.PINK CROSSFIT OUTFIT

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 26, day 1

5 Rounds
5 Jumping Pull-ups w/ 1 sec pause at top and 3 sec descending
5 Kip/ButterFly


KB Situp; 24kg/16kg
KB Swing; 24kg/16kg
Hollow Hold

I ended up using a 12kg weird for the wod. I also got chafed really bad (I’ll let your imagine run for this one rather than go into detail) when I was doing the KB situps. Ouch :(

It was a really humid week last week. My entire workout tank was soaked through completely on the front and back. It was really gross, and I’ve never seen that much sweat (even throughout all the hot & humid summers at crossfit) come off my body. I took a photo but it’s hard to photograph sweat. Not that I should’ve really.

Purple lululemon tnak
My favorite Lululemon tank of the moment. Pre-workout ;)


year 2, week 26, day 2

5 Rounds
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Behind Neck Push Jerk

2 Rounds of:
1 Min Power Clean
1 Min Front Squat
1 Min Row
Rest 1 minute
1 Min Toes 2 Bar
1 Min Russian Twist; 25/10lb
1 Min Double Unders
Rest 1 minute

ninja nancy
Felt like a ninja wearing all  black.

After this workout I took Alfie for a walk in the park. I noticed he was super bouncy and happy to be outside on the beautiful evening so I decided to start jogging with him very slowly, he seemed excitable so I kept going and ended up doing intervals of sprints and light jogs for about 2kms with him. That night was extremely humid, and due to me being already sweaty, it was unbelievable how much more sweaty I got going for a run with my dog. 

We timed our run back home perfectly, because when I hit the driveaway – in the dark distance by the door I saw the Boyf coming back in from one of his long bike rides. So that was nice, we arrived home at the same time. He asked what was wrong with me because my face was probably purple (as it always gets when I work out) and I was walking REALLY slow lol…


year 2, week 26, day 3

E2MOM (every second minute on minute: 4 rounds)

100m sprint
10 explosive pushups

– 8 minute rest –


150 wall balls (20/16lbs) (15 minute time limit)

I never, let me repeat – never- go to CrossFit when they have wall balls. I just hate them that much and I get really angry when I have to do them lol. Sounds silly but it’s true. But this week for a warm up we did wall balls and I felt speedier on them when using a 14lb med ball. So when this WOD popped up online I decided to woman-up and go to the box that evening to try and to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY WALL BALLS.

When we were first setting up for the WOD I was using a 12lb wall ball. I knew I’d tire out quickly especially having 150 to do. So I bumped down to a 10lb med ball. The coach said if we completed 10 in 1 minute we could finish the wod. By the time 5 mins rolled around I had 60 completed and was definitely feeling it. 10 in a minute was doable for the first bit but I started to get achy (hip area) and only completed 3 at a time. I couldn’t get the PUSH from my hips. I started swearing (in my head) and got really frustrated. People were then finishing and “cheering me on” so to speak “C’mon Nancy do 10. Do 3 more.” etc. I was exhausted.  Once the buzzer went off at the 15 min cap, I had 17 left to do. I raced to the bathroom thinking my lunch was going to come up, but thankfully it did not.

sweatI still hate wall balls.

It’s funny. The next day I was walking around Target on my lunch break and I felt like I was walking with a wobbly strut. I’m not a strutter but I couldn’t move my hips/upper legs the way they wanted to go normally. It was the funniest feeling.


What is your favorite workouts to do?
I love cardio and gymnastic type of workouts. Anything with pullups, burpees, and sprinting is my favorite.

What workouts do you like the least?
Wall balls, end of story.

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Why I gave up Paleo

I’ve officially given up on the Paleo eating altogether. It just wasn’t working for me, as I’ve stated a few times.

I found that I was thinking in a disordered way while on Paleo. It scared me and I didn’t want to have restrictions on what I ate. However it did change my mind-set for the better. I am making smarter choices for meals and snacks, without all the sugar. I’m actually packing healthy meals to eat besides nuking a microwaveable dinner or having a bag of chips and a mars bar for a snack.

Paleo made me focus on the negative “I’m not allowed to have this/that“. I do feel guilty when I go to CrossFit and people ask me how the paleo is going, or look at my body thinking “She’s not paleo anymore” because I did gain 6 of the 9lbs I lost, back — quickly. Who knows if people really notice that much of a difference, but I certainly do. I hate having love-handles.

I spoke to two of the owners at CrossFit within the past 2 weeks and let them in on my stomach issues. One of them told me it’s okay to not be on paleo. He said “Do what works for you. What we’re really trying to do is clean up everyone’s diets and eat more clean.” That right there made me feel at ease. It’s what I really needed to hear. I don’t have to be all paleo, all the time. I can mix in some dairy, or grains and still feel guilt free.

Being on paleo? My gut wasn’t feeling it. It was all leaky and just uncomfortable for four months (too much information for the blog?). Quitting the unhealthy eating habits cold turkey definitely took a toll on my body, but also helped me lose 7.25 inches and 9 pounds in 30 days off my already small frame. Prior to Paleo, I never ate breakfast, and at work I was snacking on chocolate bars and pop. Going sugar-free cold turkey and starting paleo definitely screwed up something in my body. It was a shocker to it.

I tried to adapt Paleo in my lifestyle but I needed to listen to my body. Even if my love handles were disappearing on Paleo. Who knows, maybe I’ll do a 30 day challenge of Paleo on my own if I feel like I’m sliding on the clean eating. The results I got were kinda crazy good.I’ve incorporated dairy (probiotic yogurt) back into my ‘diet’ but not so much cheese and milk yet (I used to have a glass of skim milk every night with supper). Also? I hear all this talk about “Complex Carbs” on blogs, and have no idea what they mean. When I google the term, all that shows up are regular carbs (pasta, potatoes, bread, rice..). So I don’t know what that entails. But what I am doing, is limiting processed foods, and incorporating wheat back. I have sandwiches for lunch, and quinoa whenever I have the urge to eat grains. I don’t often make pasta (not the biggest fan of it anyway) but still continue to make it for my endurance athlete of a boyfriend from time to time.

I noticed that I gave up on taking my daily vitamins when I started Paleo. The past 3 weeks I’ve started taking them nightly again. Iron, B12, Vitamin D, and a multivitamin (which I take twice a day). I’ve been noticing my gut is feeling better and back to normal. If that’s how my body feels happy, then that’s the way I’m going to feed it.

I am quite interested in all sorts of healthy meals, so I’ll continue to post about the foods I eat.

Take care of your body.take care of your body

Tomorrow I’ll be back with a post about what I’ve been eating this long weekend. Some of it’s clean, yeah — some of it is indulging in a little McDonalds.

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