5 times you should NOT eat

Folks, as you know I am not a doctor, or registered dietician or even a nutritionist. So these tips could be completely out of whack. You may disagree with them but these are the tips that I’ve come up with for times that I personally don’t like to eat at.

1. Late at night
If you have trouble sleeping, do not add to that and eat snacks before bed. It can disrupt your sleeping patterns, and not only that can cause unnecessary weight gain since your body has not had the time to properly digest the food.

2. When you’re in a rush
Take the time and enjoy a meal. Eating on the go, you will make poor choices and grab fast foods which are convenient but not the most nutritious. If you know you’ll be in a rish, have a protein bar with you at all times, or protein powders and add some water to it to make a shake. That will hold you over, until you can sit down an have a proper meal. Be prepared in advance. I know that when I don’t have a plan, I either make something unhealthy or skip supper altogether.

3. When you’re starving
Do not rush through your meal when you are starving. You’ll overcompensate and if you rush through your meal, by the time that your brain gets the message that you’re full, you’ve bypassed it and went to bloated, my friends.

4. Before exercise
I cannot eat anything right before, or right after exercise. I eat something an hour or two before I head to CrossFit. Otherwise I feel like it’s going to make a reappearance on the floor. A heavy meal before working out can also drain your energy or cause cramping. So unpleasant.

5. When you’re stressed
Believe it or not, stress can affect your digestion and cause issues in the belly. It’s best to have a light snack and wait to have a full meal when you’re more relaxed.

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 23

I went to CrossFit just three times last week, but it was three days in a row. My triceps are still hurting. What a feeling!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 23, day 1 wodI started off by doing 50 double unders for the first and second round. It slowed me down so I ended up doing single skips on my third & fourth round.


year 2, week 23, day 2 EMOM 15 Full Clean 1-3 @ 50-60% 4-6 @ 60-70% 7-9 @ 70-80% 10-12 @ 80-90% 13-15 @ 90+ Every minute on the minute complete ONE full clean. This is how my weight went: 1 and 2 I used 55lbs 3rd I used 60lbs 4-6 I used 65lbs 7-9 I used 70lbs 10-12 I used 75lbs for the last two I used 85lbs AMRAP 15 7 Halting Dead Lift (Where ever you finished on the Cleans) 14 Push Ups 7 Over Bar Burpees I went up in weight for the halting deadlifts instead of using the 85lbs we finished with. I put 10 more pounds on and used 95lbs for the halting deadlifts. Completed 5 full rounds and in my 6th round I completed all 7 halting deadlifts.  


year 2, week 23, day 3 WOD: 100m run 15 push press I used 55lbs 200m run 10 push press I used 60lbs 400m run 5 push press I used 65lbs 100m run 5 push jerk I used 65lbs 400m run 10 push jerk I used 60lbs 200m run 15 push jerk I used 55lbs 100m run I finished the WOD in 16:17. This workout really pushed me, since I was one of the slower/weaker people in the class this night. I was one of the last people to finish, which makes me work harder because I want to still get a decent time. I was pretty happy with the time I got!

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The bread winner

Funny moment #1: Yesterday I was coming out of the parking garage in my apartment building. I go behind the building’s parking lot up this lane way which is technically one-way and everyone breaks the rules to avoid the street lights. So, I was venturing up the lane way…the wrong way. And the superintendent (who I LOVE…and is just freaking hilarious) waves me over to the side as if he wanted to talk to me. I turn my tunes off, roll down the window and he walks over to me . He points to the back of my car saying…. “Nancy. (serious look on his face) Your back wheels?…………. Are moving forward”. He stumped me for half a second until I BURST out laughing and had a good chuckle at his joke. He ALWAYS has something funny to say. I hope that man never leaves the building. Then again, he probably won’t after he’s been there longer than we have (Boyf moved into the building over 6 years ago).

Funny moment #2: My Mom e-mailed me a Graphic Design position at the local university back home in Newfoundland as she always does. Not the most subliminal message asking me to move back home. This time I sent it to The Boyf saying “If I apply to this job and get it. I’ll be the bread dough winner“. TOTALLY meaning to write bread-winner of the relationship. But I forgot how it was worded. Then than e-mail thread totally got hijacked by him saying he wanted to buy a bread maker (he’s been going on about getting a bread maker for the past few months). Was that funny? lol…I feel like it was. Then again it doesn’t take much to make me laugh.

Yesterday on my lunch break I went shopping. I bought 3 pairs of sunnies for $10. Heck yea Ardene!sunnies

I sat on my other sunglasses (shown below, but they’re exactly the same) and broke them. So now I’ve stocked up on three pairs that all look pretty similar. Love the black ones the best. In retrospect I should’ve just got three pairs of black ones. Creature of habit. 1063923_10153005567830176_279018400_o
I then picked up 4 pairs of socks for $18…I love how summery they look! Am I the only one who gets excited about things like this?
The Boyf and I went on a small, but fun adventure this weekend. We picked up some fresh produce from the local Farmer’s Market. I love that we have more than one market to choose from (I only know of three), so each week I literally go to a different one. Love how inexpensive the produce is. We didn’t need too much, so I only picked up tomatoes, peaches, strawberries and bell peppers.

Then we drove to Burlington to pick up a new wetsuit and tried it out on one of the lakes. wetsuitcoming out of watermuscle back

This pic below is an old one of him, but I still love it and it kind of relates to what I’m talking about lol.
2xu wetsuit

From there we packed up the car and headed out to a friends house for a potluck. I immediately spotted some homemade lemon macaroons (macarons?). They were to DIE for. Everyone was gobbling them up.macaroons

Totally getting photo bombed here. I wanted The Boyf to take a picture of me with this vodka bottle that has the best packaging ever. It’s made in Canada, but someone at the potluck mentioned it was made in Newfoundland? I’m not sure if it was the vodka in them that was talking, or if it’s truly made in Newfoundland. Anyone know? hahavodka skull photo bomb

What did you do this weekend?

What do you normally bring to a potluck?
We were requested to bring a spinach salad which I loaded up with nuts, seeds, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries. Topped with some coconut oil and balsamic vinaigrette.

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