Oh She Glows – Seductive Raw Chocolate Walnut Fudge


Hope everyone is enjoying their civic holiday today! I know I certainly am. So much so, I decided to make a second batch of these seductive raw chocolate walnut fudge from Oh She Glows. The first batch got devoured disturbingly quick.  I find that food is so hard to photograph, so these photos may not do the fudge justice. But if I ever ask you to trust me on one thing, it’s these fudge squares that melt in your fingers within seconds, and forget about chewing on them. They dissolve on your tongue like a coconut icy square. Ugh, the thought of it…  I just want to run to the fridge and stuff my mouth. 

The other night I sat down to relax and read some blogs before bed. As always, Oh She Glow’s food photos makes me salivate. As do all of her recipes, but this one stuck out to me and I got up off the computer around 10:45pm, waltzed into the kitchen with my apron and pj’s on and made it in about 7 minutes. I didn’t even use my electric blender. Once I had everything mixed together, ready to be tossed into the freezer, I brought over the spatula and the Boyf licked it all clean. It was delicious.

Holy smokes. It’s the easiest dessert to make, ever. You need to make this. The texture reminds me of an icy square with hints of coconut. It yields quite a lot of coconut oil in the recipe. I’m a little leary on that since coconut oil is quite high in saturated fats and similar to butter in that sense. But it’s still a tasty treat!

All it takes are these easy ingredients.


Dare say it’s true to its name, Seductive Raw Chocolate Walnut Fudge from Oh She Glows:



  • virgin coconut oil
  • raw almond butter (or nut butter of choice)
  • cocoa powder (or raw cacao powder)
  • pure maple syrup (or agave nectar) I used agave nectar
  • pure vanilla extract
  • fine grain sea salt, to taste
  • raw walnuts, roughly chopped I didn’t measure my walnuts, just poured some in.

Pop in the freezer for 20 mins and they’re done.

Want to know the exact measurements? Head on over to Oh She Glows and grab them!

oh-she-glows-raw-chocolate-You’re welcome.

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 22

I went to CrossFit four times last week. That’s a lot for someone who hasn’t attended regularly since May. I definitely felt it. Friday’s workout was probably the most hard on me due to it being more strength than endurance. I looked at the back of my hands at one point and the sweat was just pooling up on them. The middle of my back I felt drips of sweat sliding down wanting to inch down into my butt crack. It was uncomfortable as you can only imagine.

Oh! How did I almost forget to mention. I hit a PR this week on front squats! Finally broke 100lbs!!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 22, day 1

july 29 wodFront Squat
3 at 75%  – I used 75lbs
3 at 80% – I used 80lbs
2 at 85% – I used 85lbs
2 at 90% – I used 90lbs
2 x 1 at 95-100% – I used 95lbs then hit 100lbs on my 2nd attempt!!

10 burpees
10 snatch grip overhead lunge

I used 45 lbs since overhead things are SO flippin hard. I finished 4 full rounds and did 10 burpees in my 5th round when the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 22, day 2

10 minutes of kipping pull up practice

1km run
Then 5 rounds of:
7 wide grip strict pull ups
7 chest to bar
14kb pistols (I didn’t use a weight)
21 hollow rocks

I completed the 1km run slower than last week (5:15) and came in at 5:23.  For the WOD I completed 3 rounds and 9 pistols.


year 2, week 22, day 3

3 Rounds:
21 Overhead medball situps
200m run
15 thrusters
200m run
9 over bar burpees
* Rest 3 minutes after each round

One of the coaches said everyone finished this WOD. So I thought I’d finish it too. But I’m pretty sure everyone didn’t wait the 3 minute rest-time more like had a 2 min rest. Whatevs. So. I didn’t finish lol. I was on my last 200m run and had to do 9 more over bar burpees.


year 2, week 22, day 4

crossfit wod 4th day

This workout posted above was the mental one I was talking about. I don’t know if I’m just really weak with front squats but I had to bump down to 55lbs after the first few rounds because holy crapballs I was finding it impossible to get out 10 in a row. More like 3 and slam the weight down lol….That or the fact I had a tough workout week. Let’s say that ;)

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The long weekend is here! Horrah!

My friend from back home (the one to the right) is literally minutes away from me, here in Ontario visiting her brother. I’m so excited I get to see her over the weekend! Hopefully she has time to hang out more than once with fun ol’ me ;)

Not sure what I have planned for the long weekend. Nothing in particular. I was debating whether or not I should go to CrossFit tonight because last night’s WOD was tremendous, but exhausting. I think I’m going to end up going, making it four times this week. I think they’ll be closed on Monday and that’s a SUPER long break if I decide to not work out tonight. Hold me to it guys, no excuses!

Speaking of CrossFit, I was talking to one of the two coaches who owns the gym and I was discussing my paleo digestive issues with him. He told me to incorporate more root vegetables such as turnip, squash and all those hearty veggies (blech) and maybe cut down more on coconut oil since things aren’t getting solidified. Can’t believe I’m discussing this with you all. But… y’know. It is what it is. He also thought my digestive issues were quite strange and unusual so he’s going to shoot an e-mail to Rob Wolf and research some things and get back to me. Anyyyhoo. Thought I’d keep you all informed on those bodily functions of mine for a beauty Friday. Hope you enjoyed that ;)

Onto my outfits of the work week!ootww

I’m off to finish my breakfast of a sweet potato and mango…. mmm!sweet potato and mango

Tell me your plans for the weekend.

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