Well sweet baby moses out of the heavens. I thought I’d jump right back into CrossFit this week after a 3.5 week break. I went twice this week already and I’m constantly sore. I can’t lift my left arm up over my head at the moment. When I stepped inside CrossFit this week, a few people were asking where I’ve been. Didn’t really mean to take a 3 week break, I was only on vacation 10 days haha.

Either way, I’m glad it’s Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow. I’ve been waking up at 6:30 every morning just so I could actually wake up before heading into work. I started eating paleo again. On day 1 I cheated a few times with starbucks passion tea lemonade, jujubes and homemade pizza. But day 2 and now day 3 (today) is all strict. I’m still undecided if I want to do strict paleo or paleo every day of the week and have 1 cheat meal on the weekend. Not breakfast, lunch and dinner. One or the other. Tough decisions over on my end hey? ;) If you want to follow me on instagram, I’ve been uploading everything I’ve been eating on there.

Here we go with the outfits I wore to work this week:


Have any weekend plans?
The boyf and I are driving to Stratford to see a theatre show. We scored tickets for $13 each! Usually they’re upwards to $100!

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Climbing in Newfoundland

The next few posts on my blog are going to be quite photo heavy. I’m about to bombard you with pictures from my trip back home to Newfoundland.

Let’s dive right on in b’ys! The first day that I was home I didn’t do too much besides hang out with family, especially my little nephews. That night I got a text from one of my climbing buddies asking me to go outdoor climbing with them by the Manuel’s River. I had never been there before, so I decided to go out for a climb!

I’m not one for outdoor climbing. I don’t have any certification to set up lead or anchors. But I’ll gladly top rope. So that’s exactly what I did.

Lori, me and Kerry getting ready to hike in.


We hiked in the trail about 30 minutes or so, along this muddy, overflown trail. I borrowed some shoes from Lori ;) since I didn’t bring any hikers home. Thanks buddyhiking the trail

This was Lori’s second climb of the day and I wanted to belay her on lead. Chalking up to top rope.climb5 climb7 climb10

High fives throughout the day for the awesome climbing day!climb12

I went up after Lori lead the climb and set the anchors. It was my first time ‘cleaning’ the route, which meant taking off all the quick draws so you’re only left with an anchor at the top for top roping.

Tyin’ in and making faces.IMG_0025

 Sweet moses. It’s been YEARS since I climbed outside. Over 8…climb1

Here we go, cleaning the route:


Apparently it was only a 5.6 but I made it much more difficult, haha.


Scared here.climb13 climb14

Almost to the top. 60 feet.climb16 climb15 climb13

Hellooooo up there!climb17  All the gear safe back on my harness. IMG_0055

I climbed twice more (or maybe just once?) after that climb. One was a 5.9 which I really liked because sections of it were difficult, and others were quite nice and ‘easy’.

Someone brought a dog. I’m obsessed with dogs.lol2

So that’s that! An outdoor climbing adventure a few days before Canada Day. Such a fun (and scary) time. climb20 Tomorrow I’ll be back with more photos from my vacation.

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That’s right folks. My outfits of the work week are a day early because I won’t be in the office tomorrow! I’m heading to Newfoundland tonight after a fun work day on the golf course and I’ll be on the airplane in no time.

marketing teamI scheduled my holidays perfectly didn’t I? Today is a charity golf course that me and our new guy (see above — remember I asked if his pic could go on my site) are volunteering at. Each year we go to this tournament and it’s so classy and soo fun! People and companies come from all over, and maybe even the states after looking to buy houses from louisville real estate.

Have a good long weekend, it’s Canada Day this weekend. Can’t wait to spend it with my fam!


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