It never gets easier. You just get better.

I don’t think my desire of fitness and exercise is particularly a big secret.

ua-iwillTo me, staying fit is an essential part of my lifestyle. This is why I’m involved with the UnderArmour #IWill/#WhatsBeautiful campaign, see my direct Under Armour profile page. I don’t think I can be complete without exercising a few times a week.

This week I received an Under Armour surprise thanks to the #WhatsBeautiful campaign and sponsorship with me being a FitFluential Ambassador. Here I am sporting the tank and the pink sneaks that was sent to me for free. Totally my style, love what they picked!


Let’s do this ladies. Go after your goals!ua-goafteryourgoals

… and never give up!ua-never-give-up

Take a rest day when needed, and lace up and give’r on the other days. ua-lace-up

As much as I love working out and working on my weaknesses — I course love my rest days like anyone else. Something about a bit of rest makes me feel stronger, faster, and better the next time I do a CrossFit wod, a run, or go for a climb. 

I’m pretty proud to announce that on Wednesday I achieved a 100lb Power Clean at CrossFit and did it three times in a row.100lb powerclean

We were given a 15 minute time limit to do 5 sets of 3. Well, I ended up doing it 7 times because I kept going up in weight, and surprised myself. So now? I have no idea what my PR is, since we ran out of time. I feel like a powerhouse, who never gave

Thank you Under Armour, and FitFluential, for allowing me to be part of this motivating worldwide team. uathank-youMy favorite way to work out, as you already probably know is going to CrossFit and bouldering at the local climbing gym. A proper balanced diet, mixed with some candy and McDonalds here and there is how I’m keeping things real. How I keep myself fit, healthy and happy.

Sharing the love with a few of my favorite Under Armour What’s Beautiful Women:

As for my workout goals? I had planned on putting down getting double unders — but I achieved that when I did my paleo challenge in April/May. I’m now up to getting 27 in a row without failing. C’mon 30! But my goal now, is to be the healthiest me I can. To have fun, and enjoy food, friends and fitness. Indulging once in a while never hurt anyone.

I also want to get better at doing pushups with my elbows IN, and off my toes. I’m pretty speedy at doing pushups like this when I have to do a ton of burpees, but doing a few pushups in a row? Hard, even after my 50 day push up

It never gets easier. You just get better.

How about you guys? Do you work out on a regular basis? Do you CrossFit, or climb or all of the above?

Do you ever make goals for yourself? They can be mental, emotional or physical. 

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Egg ‘muffin’ omelets (Paleo friendly)

I’ve received a few comments from people who wanted to know how I’ve been making my egg omelet muffins. It saves me time and most importantly energy I don’t have in the morning. I make a batch of 12 on Sunday morning and I have enough to due us all week.

egg omelet2

Preheat your oven to 350°. Spray your muffin tins with cooking spray so they don’t stick.canola-oil

Get 12 eggs ready.12-eggs

Crack and beat them into a cup where you can pour properly. Here is where you can add milk, but since these are ‘paleo friendly’ I did not. stir-the-egg

Pour the egg mixture evenly into each muffin cup.eggs-in-cups

Get your veg ready! I’m adding yellow bell peppers and fresh mushrooms.veg

Make sure they’re chopped up into bite size pieces. mushrooms

In goes the peppers! Add as many/as little as you’d like.pepper

Pop them into the oven for 55 minutes and this is what you’ve got:eggs-out-of-oven

Let them cool off for a bit and store them in an air tight container and you’re set for the week!eggs-cooling


12 eggs
veggies of your choice
spices of your choice

  1. Crack 12 eggs into a container and mix until beaten
  2. Pour egg mixture into 12 muffin cups (sprayed with cooking oil so they don’t stick)
  3. Drop in your favorite veggies (bite size pieces)
  4. Cook for 45-55 min at 350
  5. Serve, and enjoy!
Prep time: 15 minutes | Serves 2 | Cook time: 40-55 minutes | READY IN 55 MINUTES!
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My CrossFit Journal (Year 2, week 11)

Holy smokes. 5 days of CrossFit this week. In a row! I’m resting my middle finger because I tweaked it while I was bouldering a few months ago. Didn’t let it heal, and it’s bugging me a bit so I’m giving it a rest. Going on week 2 without climbing, I’m missing it! I can already tell my finger isn’t healed just yet, so I may end up volunteering at the climbing gym, just so I don’t forget to go back lol. Know what I mean?


The short:

Sunday — Rest
Monday —
Tuesday — CrossFit
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — CrossFit
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday— Rest

The long:


year 2, week 11, day one

SWOD: Back Squats
5×2 (75% to start)
* 3 second pause at bottom

What I completed: 80-80-85-85-90lbs

WOD 21-15-9
Burpee over box jumps (20″)
Wall balls (14kg)

What I completed: Finished the WOD in 9:17 and used a 12kg for the wall balls



year 2, week 11, day two

4 x 3 strict pullups with 3 sec descend
max efforts chest to bar
What I completed:
  • 3 strict, 7 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 5 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 2 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 5 unbroken kips

WOD (16 minute time limit)

50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar
50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar
50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar

What I completed: The first round I did 150 single skips and ended up trying out for the 50 DU’s the second round. Which was WAY easier, and WAY faster. I love it!! I completed the WOD in 12:59


year 2, week 11, day three

Halting Deadlifts
(3 second pause right above the knees)
What I completed: 75-75-85
1 Hang clean + Squat
2 Lateral burpees
2 Hang clean + Squat
3 Lateral burpees
3Hang clean + Squat
4 Lateral burpees
4Hang clean + Squat
and so on…

What I completed: I got to 8 lateral burpees, then was going for my 8 hand clean + squats, and got 1 before the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 11, day four

“Holbrook” (30 minute time limit)
10 rounds

5 thrusters (115/80)
10 pullups
100m sprint
*Rest 1 minute

What I did: I used 55lbs and used a black band for the 50 pullups. I completed the WOD in 28:26


year 2, week 11, day five

Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes:
1 Hang Clean
1 Halting Deadlift
1 Power Clean

What I completed: I used 70lbs for the first 5 rounds and ended up bumping my weight to 75lbs for the last bit since I thought it was “too easy”!! HA!!

5 rounds (14 minute time limit)
10 spyder pushups
15 hollow rocks
20 flutter kicks
30 second plank unbroken

My time: 11:08



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