My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 29)

I had a pretty low week, fitness wise. I worked out 4x but didn’t feel strong, or capable. Didn’t stop me from going. But here’s a summary of last week’s workouts, recapped below:


year 1, week 29, day one.

Bench Press


My limit was hit quickly with this bench press. I ended up benching 65lbs 3 times, but when I got to 75 (really should’ve went to 70lbs instead) I couldn’t do 1.  I know my limit at least! lol

Strict Pull-ups

Strict pull ups are so hard. The end.

For Time:
50 Double Unders
100 Hollow Rocks
100 Superman Rocks

We had 15 minutes for this. I ended up completing it 30-ish seconds before the timer went off! YEAH.


year 1, week 29, day two

  No shame. This is a photo of me in the women’s change room at CrossFit, after my workout here below:

Hang Clean & Squat

Push Jerk; 135/95lbs
Toes To Bar

If you break any of the push jerks, or toes to bar we were supposed to do 20 double unders, or 20 skips. HAHHAHA So crazy. Everyone was skipping constantly.

I can guarantee that people cheat at CrossFit. They’re only cheating themselves. I just can’t stand it, I know for sure this one person cheats and it drives me nuts. I wonder if the coaches notice, or anyone else?

I ended up finishing this one, seconds before the timer went off. I’m getting mixed up from this workout, from the previous one. I think this one was a 14 minute time limit. I used 55lbs for the Push Jerks, love those!


year 1, week 29, day three Soccer game!

Soccer time!!

Like my CrossFit soccer jersey?

I went to the game. We were a lot of ladies short. It’s required to have 3 females on the field at all times. We had to recruit someone’s sister-in-law to play with us. Even then we were still short, and had 3 females on but no sub’s. So the girls played the whole game.

It was tiring, only because the men have such fancy footwork and I felt like such a tool on the field. I was completely lost and not playing aggressive at all. Though, I did make a few decent speedy runs and hit the ball on the net a few times. I guess it’ll take a few weeks to get back into the groove.

We lost 4-2 I think.


year 1, week 29, day four

I wore my new MPG (Mondetta Performance Gear) clothes to CrossFit this night. I’ll speak more in detail about this next week. But ehh ehh do you like? It’s a Canadian athletic wear company. Hey at least I’m not going to Madison Avenue Mall for furs and wearing that.

4×8 Back Squats

I made it to 75lbs with the backsquats. We had to do it 8 in a row, 4x with varying weights. I decided to amp it to 85lbs and my form was gone. My coach even told me to bump the weight back down and focus on that. It was rough. I’m not strong at all. I’m more of a fan of quick, speedy cardio workouts.  But hey – gotta work on it. Right?

Front Squat (135/95)

This mean: 10 front squats, 10 burpees, 9 front squats, 9 burpees — and count down that way. We had a 15 minute time limit for this one. I used 55lbs for my front squats. My coach again came over to me, noticing how difficult I was finding it. He said to keep going slow as I was, and that it doesn’t matter if I just get down to 6 or 7 reps in the 15 mins. Just focus on lifting properly, and not worrying about speed. Just need to build strenght.

So, I did. I ended up doing ONE front squat on my 5’s as the timer went off. Rough workout.

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OOTWW. Fun, Fit, Fashionable

Summer should get a speeding ticket. Right? I started wearing layers this week and last weekend! Yikes!

Here’s what I wore to work this week:

I swear Monday’s outfit looked fine in person, it was just the I’m-tired-and-don’t-want-to-snap-photos-stance. The outfit was off balance since I was wearing skinny pants and decided not to pair it with a larger top. I don’t think I woke up on Monday, until the mid-afternoon.

Tomorrow I’m supposed to go to a FootBall game at the local University. The Boyf and I are heading to Nuite Blanche and to run errands in Toronto instead! Much more fun :)

But what’s this new blog post title? A new feature I’ve decided to add to my website! I’m forever asked to share some of the blogs that I read, and I think doing weekly posts of some Fit and Fashionable people is much more fun. So hopefully you too, will find some great new blogs to read from these weekly posts that will now go live on Friday’s.

Hence the #TripleFFriday: Fun, Fit, Fashionable in the blog post title. It stemmed from my friend Meg from A Dash of Meg’s High Five Friday posts. I loved the idea, so I thought I’d do something similar. They say copying is a sincere form of flattery. :)

So since I’ve been inspired by Meg, I thought it would be just fitting (ah love the play on words?) to start with her! Let’s get to it:

Meg from A Dash Of Meg features her thirty-third (!!!) High Five Friday today :)

Courtney tests out the ‘best tank top to work out in’, last Saturday!

Shannon looks great modeling her Fire Daughter tanks from Etsy. Look at her pipes! Shannon says the Fire Daughter tanks are flattering, comfy and have empowering messages.  (Hey I have some of the clothing too!)

Coach Scott from StoneWay CrossFit wrote a post this week on “3 Step Solution to Change

Teri from A Foodie Stays Fit sports her new hair cut. I always love her hair styles, she’s forever changing it up!

I also wanted to feature Laura from Buy Now Blog Later, I always love her style and her blog posts – she’s living in Dubai right now, but is from London England!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course
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CrossFit: Beauty in Strength

I’ve been involved with Crossfit for almost two years. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. Those weeks, turned into years now— have just flown by. Why get involved? You’re going to get proud of what you can do. What your body can accomplish.

What the hell? Who knew I could flip a freaking tractor tire! I swear, it’s all mental. It wasn’t even that difficult. It was just getting the proper form, and getting over that mental barrier that it’s a tractor. I couldn’t do it during the warm up, but when it was time to compete I flipped it no problem.

I’m enjoying running again. Before our warmups at CrossFit we almost always have to do a 1k run. It makes for easier runs with my co-worker, L. We’ve ran a lot this summer!

Like I said before, why I chose CrossFit over an ordinary gym. CrossFit changes daily. You’re always working different muscle groups, there’s no time to plateau. Plus, I love going there because I feel like the people who go to CrossFit makes for a warm and friendly environment. People are always welcoming and smiling there (pre-workout, haha).

Yes, it takes a lot of hard work. CrossFit is difficult, but it’s fun and absolutely worth.

See my older posts about CrossFit:

I have one more video to share. It’s my fellow #FitFluential Ambassador friend Scott Thompson from Your Inner Skinny. He’s also from the East Coast of Canada, living away from home. He shared this video with us all the other week. Great motivation, I got goosebumps watching it:

 What are you doing to better yourself? This is #MyBetter.

This is a box of goodies that Sport Chek sent over to me, ever so generously. I opened it last Wednesday evening after my 10pm soccer game. That’s way past my bedtime, by the way! lol

It involves a bunch of goodies that I can incorporate into my favorite sports: climbing, CrossFit, soccer, and running. I’m excited to talk more in depth about the new items I received. Mostly about the Zoots. They’re triathlon sneakers that are to be worn without socks. When I opened the box, my Boyfriend (a 4th time Ironman Canada finisher) kind of chuckled at the fact I even asked for Zoots, seeing how I have absolute zero interest in ever finishing a Triathlon.

To be honest, I had two options picked out when I was speaking with the folks at Sport Chek. Another pair of Nike Free Run’s, or try something completely different: Zoots. My boyfriend owns a few pairs already so I know that they’re a great shoe, by the way he speaks about them, and wears them to his races. I can’t wait to elaborate more on them.

Uh oh – gotta go, see you soon where the flowers bloom ;)

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