I would call this week a success, so far. I mean, I haven’t gotten lost yet — touch wood. Thank YOU blackberry maps.
Tuesday I drove to Los Gatos for an appointment, Wednesday Jessica and I drove to Half Moon Bay, and earlier this afternoon I drove to Palo Alto for a Speck store party. 
Being my first blogger type of event, I wanted to get my outfit sorted through last night. Taking selfies, sending it to my friends and husband asking their advice. Anyone else do this? Looking put together on the cheap, was my goal. Is that bad? Saves me the dollars, that’s for sure.
Forever 21 necklaces /// H&M top /// JC Penny brand white jeans
Cynthia Rowley Wedges /// Fossil Purse
I haven’t worn wedges in forever. They were more uncomfortable than I remembered.
Facebook has a community for the local bloggers down here, which I found, and joined. That’s where I received the contact information for Lindsay, who invited me to the Speck event. Hooray for new faces! I’m trying to meet a lot of people, because I’m currently not working, and I want to meet new friends. Bonus if they’re bloggers!
I think I could cruise around in my little car for hours, and embrace the warm sun that California has to offer. The drive to Palo Alto was no exception, just as beautiful.
The Speck Store Party was a private event, launching their new store in Palo Alto. I didn’t know anything about Speck products until I got the e-mail invite just a week prior. They sell a lot of creative cases that are fun to accessorize your iPhone, MacBook, iPad and other cell phones/tablets.
Their cases are heavy duty, yet not bulky, if they’re branded with the stamp of “Meets or exceeds military standards”. One guy there was demonstrating it by flicking his phone across the store, and it didn’t break. Made my heart drop a little! I think I need one of those cases for my BlackBerry Z10. Still representing good ol’ Waterloo.
Speck recently launched a new case for your phones called Candy Shell Amped. There’s little holes on the side of your case where you can freely listen to your music 2x clearer and louder, without it being muffled. It’s pretty nice.
Speck hooked US up big time.
I left with a goody bag filled with all sorts of cases. I’m a little outdated with the products that I use, so I picked out an iPad 2 case for myself and got two cases for my husbands two laptops. I know, he’s spoiled at work.
Speck products are sold at major retailers.
Tomorrow I’ll be talking about living in Canada -vs- USA, so come back for that!
Have you been to a blogger event or conference before?
What’s the weather like, where you are today?