My work’s Christmas Party was on Saturday night and unfortunately Scott was in Ottawa this entire weekend so he couldn’t go with me.
I ended up picking up two of my co-workers (who both read my blog. Hello!!) and had an awesome time regardless of if my Boyfriend came with me or not.Â
I was initially going to wear an all black outfit and have my H&M skirt be the standing-out piece. But for some reason I ended up going with the brick red tank from Cassis that I picked up in October. It was laying in the clean laundry pile and it was next to my skirt, so I paired it together and it ended up going really well.
This was my final look that I ended up wearing to the Christmas Party. I think it worked out very well! It was way too cold to wear bare legs, plus I thought the tights made it more festive looking.
I filmed a YouTube video last night while I was was getting ready, and this is the photo that I took immediately after.
It’s incredibly long at 13 minutes, even though I made a time-lapse video and included some royalty free music. But if you care to watch, it’s there for your viewing!
I had so much fun. There was karaoke. Julie and I had to get the party started by singing the first song with our other co-worker. I also tore up the dance floor doing the Newfie Jig with a few newf’s who attended the party as well. The Night That Patty Murphy Died, Home For A Rest and Heave Away were just a few songs that I jigged to. Man, best songs ever. Remind me so much of home.
Now, for some photos of the night. Fun right!? Don’t worry! I asked everyone for their permission to be on my blog :)
You may remember Julie as she’s featured here on my website quite often.
Laura and I. Kinda blurry. Not everyone is the best photographer around ;)
So that’s it! Hope you enjoyed that YouTube video I put together. It wasn’t all that hard actually. So I may end up doing a how-to video on how to make a time lapse like that, in case anyone is interested.
See you all soon!