Oh, it’s natural.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow, to get a trim. I’m debating whether or not to dye my hair again. I haven’t dyed it for about 2 years. After dying my hair consistently since I was 14 years old, I wanted to finally let it all grow out and see what my natural color was before I started getting old and grey, lol. It’s not that I’m sick of my hair color at all now. I just remember my hair feeling thicker when it was dyed because the color stuck onto the hair follicles. Maybe it’s just my mind making things up, or perhaps it’s the long layers I have in my hair that make me feel like I have nothing for a pony tail.

What do you think? Should I dye my hair (darker) tomorrow?

Most days my hair looks this color:

I have no idea what my color is, because in the sunlight it looks almost dark blonde/light brown somewhat (I’ve never been blonde).

On a side note, why does the word “blonde” have a little red squiggly line underneath it. Is that not how you spell it anymore? lol.

I had dark hair not too long ago, and it turned out well. I failed to realize how gross my hair was in the before shot.

Ideally I’d just like to grow my length out a few more inches and I’d keep it at that. For instance back in 2006 I had it this stringy length, but I LOVED IT.

(ignore the sunglasses hahaha)

Plus, for a little fashion Thursday before my OOTWW (outfit of the work week) post tomorrow. I just wanted to say… aren’t these CUUUUUUUUUUTE? Maybe cash in some life insurance rates for these – they’re $89 US :(

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Christmas Party!

My work’s Christmas Party was on Saturday night and I had a ball while completely sober lol! Imagine.

I ended up wearing my sage colored dress that I received from GoJane.com. I also got my hair done at the hair salon for the first time ever. I’ve never had an up do before! It was purdy, you can see a mini tutorial of me trying to re-create the look from yesterday’s video post.

Hope some people don’t mind me posting these photos. I know a few of my co-workers read this blog, so just e-mail me later on and I can take some of them down if you wish.

Here they are! Weee!!!!!!

My dance partner in crime and good friend Janine! Hi Janine :)

The retired CEO, the guy that teases me so much I can’t handle it. He’s super funny, and a great man. You’ll see further down in the photos that I was dancing with him! He’s so fun.

The ladies on the floor. Can you spot me?

My eyes are way too open. Oh well, a nice shot of my boyfriend and I.

(Click all the photos to enlarge them!) This is my favorite photo of the night. Just as I was leaving, he came over to me to say good bye and noted that I hadn’t danced with him at all throughout the night, wondering when/if we were going to do a Newfie Jig. I raced right up to the DJ asking him to play a newfie song right after the next one. Sure enough he did, and we pounded the dance floor throughout the whole song, swinging me from side to side, and doing that arm lock thing where he spins me around. I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling. :)

That’s it! Those are some of the many photos from the weekend’s party.

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Fine hair troubles

I have a huge issue. As you can see from my previous post of what I wore on Friday. I’m basically wearing the same outfit – different scarf, same hat and jacket.

I have fine hair. It’s not thin (or so says my stylist) I have a lot of it, it’s just fine. I refuse to wear winter hats during the cold weather due to a bad case of hat head.

I finally found a hat that suited me, and also didn’t give me grief. That is, until I took the bus to work today and I wore my hat for an hour straight. I took my hat off, and immediately felt the back of my head where I have two crowns to feel for any gaps. Sure enough, the darn tootin hat I was wearing has separated my fine hair again on the back of my head, making me look like I”m going bald.

Thankfully I was making a huge enough deal about it at work that people ended up trying to fix it for me and told me not to worry about it. Because they know I’m not going bald. lol

Oh Monday morning issues.

By the way. I took the bus this morning, for the first time since getting my car in October 2009, as my Boyfriend is gone to my mechanic to put my snow tires on for me. It’s funny, when you don’t take the bus for ages I wonder if people realize that I got a car. Maybe they just think I died. Or quit my job. I recognized a man who took the bus with me every morning. I never did speak to him when I was a regular on the bus. But he definitely recognized me this a.m. Staring a bit too long at my face trying to think of where he recognized me from, I’m sure.The buses have changed since I haven’t been on them in a whole year.

Stay tuned for this evening as my contest ends at 10pm EST.

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