
I think I may have to make a trip to the eye doctor soon. My left eyeball has been giving me an issue that I apparently didn’t realize I had until I complained to the Boyf last night. He said it wasn’t the first time I complained about it. Which got me a little panicked because I have a short term memory and didn’t realize it had hurt earlier in the month.

It could also be due to strain on the eyes as I’m at a computer for a good 13 hours a day. Working 8 hours, then coming home and either blogging, or doing something on my iPad. So, I think next week I’ll pop into the eye doc and see what’s going on. It feels like I’m getting a sinus flu. That’s what the pressure on the eye feels like. Know that annoying feeling? Jeesh.

I’ve also been trying out new foundation samples at Sephora this entire week. From Make Up For Ever HD Foundation, Nars Sheer Glow, to Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24H. Unfortunately I love all of them. Why did that happen? I’m usually unbelievably picky when it comes to picking out a foundation, and now I happen to love all three? Lame. That makes it difficult to choose.

Here are my fancy smanchy outfits from the week. I’m partially pleased with the colors this week. I have no idea if I changed anything or they are the exact same as last week. Let’s pretend it’s not the latter…

Onto Triple F Friday:

Charlotte from lipglossiping published a great blog post about earlier in the week: At what point do blogs become purely paid advertisers?

Onto the topic of blog posts. British Beauty Blogger writes: Whether We Like It Or Not: how bloggers become tiered.

beauty productsThis post features three different categories: skin, hair, and styling products that Ashley uses. For those looking for some great new products to try or who would like to recommend their favorites.

greenootdLeanne submits her spring OOTD!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL (if applicable)
  • Description of your blog post 
  • A photo (optional)

What’s everyone got planned for this weekend? I’m off to a snowshoeing event two hours away from home, but also at some point I need to search local toy stores for a kids karaoke machine. Lil’ buddie’s birthday coming up soon and he loves to sing haha.

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Spend a day in my shoes

I’ve always loved “A Day In The Life” blog posts, where a blogger documents basically everything s/he does throughout the run of a day. It was difficult to remember to document it all, and I felt like I was wasting time writing stuff down, especially in the morning. So here we go, a day in the life of me from last Tuesday January 22, 2013:

ootd clothes6:55a — alarm goes off, pop out of bed. Let Alfie out of his crate & feed him immediately in the den. I take my clothes that I plan to wear that day, from the bedroom to the washroom.

6:59a — Shower.

7:13a — Hop out, dry off. Stand around and do nothing for a bit. (I’m very tired, lazy and clumsy in the morning)

7:23a — Get dressed.

7:26a — Deodorant time. Thought you should know every detail ;)

combing wet hair7:27a — Comb hair & clip back to air dry.

7:29a — Brush teeth.

7:31a — Head to living room & hang out with Alfie. Play on iPad (reading blogs, checking e-mail, checking instagram)

makeup7:47a — Wash hands, do makeup.

7:53a — Chase Alfie in the other room to shush him from barking at people in the hallway. Put hair serum in hair.

hair stuff7:57a — Wash hands, dry hair.

8:09a — Feelin’ pale. Slap on some bronzer.

8:10a — Put accessories on, and put on a blazer.

8:13a — Take OOTWW photo.

8:17a —Pack snacks for work.

Alfie cuddles8:18a — Play fetch/cuddle with Alfie (he’s yawning in the photo), play on iPad again. Multi-tasker.

omg its so cold8:40a — Leave apartment bundled up.

negative something outSide note. Omg it’s -15 outside lol

groceries before work9:01a — Grabbin’ some groceries.

9:28a — Arrive at work.

breakfast at work9:35a — Have breakfast at work.

banana snack11:18a — Snack!

lunch1:33p — Lunch time. This was a frozen dinner, and best kind. However it was riddled with onions and I had to pick them off pre-microwave.

apple snack3:23p — Apple snack. Get annoyed at myself that I didn’t put it in the fridge. So warm. Much better chilled.

5:02p — Ate a pineapple flavored life saver candy.

5:52p — Get home. Put groceries in fridge. Start grill for chicken.

crossfit clothes5;55p — Change clothes for CrossFit.

6:03p — Put chicken on grill.

6:06p — Clean up kitchen.

pack for crossfit6:08p — Pack for CrossFit. (Need to bring asthma inhaler, sneakers, purse and water)

asthma inhaler6:09p — Take two puffs of my asthma inhaler. I look so happy to be doing this lol. I was pressed for time. No time for re-takes.

water bottle6:10p — Fill up water bottle.

leave house6:14p — Put on winter coat, stand around and wait for my chicken to cook. Put it in a tupperware container and head out the door.

6:29p — Arrive at CrossFit. Do WOD that made me nearly cry. My wrists killed during the front squats.

7:57p — Arrive home.

make supper8:00p — Turn on computer for twitter party! Start cooking supper. Thank myself for cutting up veggies the night before.

eat supper8:18p — Eat & Tweet.

take vitamins8:21p — Can’t forget my vitamins, with my iPad glowing on my lap ;)

8:32p — Finish supper, tweet ( #FeelBetterFL represent!)

9:09p — Jump in shower to warm up, and to de-stankify myself.

make bed9:20p — Make bed with fresh sheets.

9:31p — Head to bed with iPad and read blogs until I’m tired.

10:17p — Put the iPad down and get some beauty rest ;)

Gotta be honest you guys. I don’t eat this healthy all the time. In fact, I stocked up on some fresh fruits while I was out the other night so you wouldn’t know that I ate CANDY for snacks throughout my day. Oops. Though, I did feel awesome the next day. So maybe I should probably cut down on the candy consumption…

Hope you enjoyed the post!

What does your daily routine look like?

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Are hair extensions weird?

Do you think hair extensions are weird? Honest answer. All my readers comment and vote, and not just the one’s interested in beauty!

The first time I heard about hair extensions was on YouTube. I thought it was the strangest thing, and thought only a select few people wore them. So many questions raced through my brain:

  • What if they fell out?
  • Can you tell that they look fake?
  • Would you judge me? lol
  • Will it be damaging?
  • How long do they last?
  • How much are they?

halohairextension1Rach from Pink Peonies wears them. Look how natural they look!

The reason why I’d rather clip in, than spend $500 + hours in a salon to have them sewn in, is because I may regret them, feel them in my hair and freak out. Plus, I don’t know how to care for them if they’re permanently attached to my head.

The after a few years of watching countless people show the world how to clip them (or “install them” as I like to call it) into their own hair, and blend them in — I’m sucked in. I kind of want a pair. Who knows if/when I buy a pair, wilL I actually have the courage to leave the house with them on. Everyone knows what style my hair is, and how little of it I actually have. Walking into work with a full head of hair down to my hips would definitely look odd.

But before you say no. Let me give you something to think about. You can dye them. You can style them to blend with your hair. I’d bring them into my hair stylist and clip them in, and ask her to cut them to an ideal length (1-3 inches longer than my natural hair). Seems okay, right?

These are the two companies I’ve heard good things about:

I actually contacted a rather unknown company a few years ago, presenting the perfect hair candidate (ie: ME…) since I do have fine hair that doesn’t seem to like to grow past a little bit beneath my shoulders. Hello right? I, as you probably would’ve guessed, got denied. I didn’t really think anything of it, since that comes with the territory. Plus, I don’t really film YouTube videos anymore. But I do blog!

Anyway. What I’m getting at is that I’ve done my research and I’m kind of looking at getting a set of … fake hair… for myself. God, just typing that grosses me out.

Let me know in the comments, what you think of them! Honest answers appreciated!

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