Staying Fit with Indoor Climbing

Well, since I don’t frequent the climbing gym as much as I did, when I lived in Newfoundland—I decided to join indoor soccer for the winter months to keep me ‘fit’. However, I’ve gotten a little pudge, and even though when I went home and mentioned it by slip of the toungue, people automatically jumped down my throat saying I wasn’t fat.

I wasn’t saying I was morbidly obese, or even slightly fat. I guess I’m noticing a difference in my body since I stopped climbing so vigorously. I just took climbing for granted. Climbing ‘hardcore’ for the two years I was in school (recreationaly climbing for 15 ) really hardened up my body. Now? Now it’s all gross and nothing like it used to be in 2006. Perhaps I need a little self-esteem boost. I’m not a gym junkie. I keep falling off that wagon continuously. I go for 8 months, thinking that I’m doing awesome (which I was) and then boom, spring is here and I want to spend my time outdoors (not exercising). OH WELL.

What I’m trying to say is that I MISS THE CLIMBING GYM BACK HOME. I miss the atmosphere, and the laid back staff. Here at one of the local University gyms they have a wall in the basement, and it’s super small and dingy. I guess I could somehow manipulate my body and try and do a bunch of figure four’s up the wall (and fail, like this guy), since there’s no positive or negatives. Just a wall. That’s what I’ll do. See what kind of looks I’ll get. hehe

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I miss you, climbing gym!

I really need to get back in shape. Well, parts of my body do anyway. I’m never wondering what my weight is, mainly because my weight has always stayed the same, for the last ten years. I’ve never hit 125lbs in my life and right now I’m sitting around 118 in the morning and nights. That’s cool and all, except for the flab on my belly that has decided to grow in the last two years of me living on my own. I’ve got pinner arms and a flabby tummy. Wah!

I think it’s because I primarily stopped climbing at the gym. I may very well make a New Years Resolution, even though I’m totally against them, because almost everyone always says “Oh my N.Y.R is to get fit!”. They always fail. Am I right?

Maybe I shouldn’t make the resolution then. I don’t want to fail.

But I miss the climbing gym back home. The one that I go to in Ontario is total horse manure. It’s small, and I can’t do heel hooks, and I can’t boulder. Well, really I can boulder, but it’s nothing on a negative wall. Just a boring vertical wall the size of a child’s bedroom. It’s smelly and crowded in there with a lot of emo looking guys with that ugly side swept hair. I HATE THAT. I went a handful of times back in July and August and met a few cool guys, but they were only there for the summer semester at the Uni. So I pretty much stopped going.

Climbing on my Christmas vacation brought back the love I had for climbing. I think I may force myself to purchase a 3 month pass to the local wall when I get back to Ontario, and then head on over, after work most evenings.

Whadda ya say!

More on flickr –>

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Appointments on top of even more appointments.

And I’m not even ill!

At least once a week for the last little while, I’ve been having appointments with places either in another city, or during work hours. I’m starting to get annoyed and a tad worried about what my boss thinks of this! I do make up the hours that I take off, my boss always tells me that it’s okay, and she’s super laid back about it. I just don’t want to take it for granted! But with all of these checkups, physicals, xrays, dental appointments, chiro appointments (iiiiii know! Look at them all!)

Anyway, so a few days ago I had a checkup at my Orthodontists office in the next city. My Mom’s cousin, and my Mom’s Aunt lives out there, so it’s alright since I have a few relatives that I can visit and have my day not be a total waste of money on a greyhound. My retainers seem to be doing great. Teeth are staying straight, even though I have nightmares (shush lol) about them going back into crooked places and rotting out of my head. Come January, I have only have one appointment in the adjacent city, but I’ll be taking two days off work for that one. My boss even suggested I do so! Very nice.

Times like these, it would be so much easier, faster, more convenient if I had a car. But! I am saving. Saving for a down payment babyahhh. I will have you soon.

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