What’s In My Purse?

I figured since last week I wrote a What’s In My Make Up Bag post, I thought I’d continue the trend and let you see what I carry in my purse. My post needed to be updated since I did a What’s In My Purse back in May of last year.

I tend to swap out my purses from week to week, so this week I’ve been using my navy blue ASOS bag. Next week I could resort back to my fun colourful Fossil bag. Whats-in-my-bag

I think this purse looks so cozy and ready for a snow fall, doesn’t it? Paired with my Newfie mittens and a cuppa joe. We’re grand. Let. It. Snow.

So, let’s take a peek inside my purse where I show you what I carry around with me on a daily basis. whats-inside-my-purse

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OOTWW + a little break

The past few months I have been treating my blog like a second full time job. It’s incredible how much time I spent at the computer in the run of a day. I work at my job from 9:30-5:30, come home and immediately pop on the computer from 6:00-10:30, and somewhere in between because I get all A.D.D. working from home, I make supper. I’m not complaining, in fact – I love what I’ve been doing on my blog lately and I don’t want to stop.

But I am flying home to Newfoundland for Thanksgiving. And I want to spend as much time with my family as possible so I’m going to just take the week off. Leanne will be guest posting on my blog next Wednesday, so be sure to check back on my site then. :)

My trip home is bitter sweet, because the Boyfriend and our pup aren’t joining us this time. Both of those two will be on the same flight as me for Christmas, so they’ll see “home” soon enough.

Have a great Canadian Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble gobble gobble, til you wobble!

 I left for BlissDom on Thursday after work, so you’re extra lucky this week and get to see two sets of my ‘outfits of the work week’. Horrah!

Last week’s outfits. My fav was definitely Thursday.ootww-

This week’s outfits. Loving what I’m wearing today. Got the suede boots out!ootww

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Out with the old

Out with the old and in with the new! I showed you my ‘old’ desk and I’m surprised at how many people were saying that they liked that desk and I shouldn’t get rid of it. I bought it in 2006 from good ol’ Canadian Tire when I moved to Ontario that summer. I didn’t intend to keep for long term usage. Plus, I photoshopped the hey out of that photo to make it look brighter and crisp. Because it truly is an ugly desk. What I have now is a much better upgrade.

Just to remind you, here are a few photos of the old desk.desk-clutter

Ouch. What an eye sore. clean-desk

Looks much better, de-cluttered and photoshopped doesn’t it? ;) desk breakfast-on-my-desk

So I upgraded to a new sleek, white IKEA desk. I’ve had this desk set up for a few weeks and I’ve managed to keep it clutter-free, so hopefully it stays that way. I have a ton of drawers so that should keep it nice and tidy. I have more IKEA items that I purchased so I’ll be doing a separate blog post and what the names of the items are.

Just so you don’t have to keep scrolling, a before and after:


Good golly miss molly, what an upgrade.ikea-desk

Notice how the top two drawers are the smallest and the last 3 are a bit deeper? I just noticed that as I was photographing.

You can’t just buy this desk in one box and put it together like you can other IKEA furniture. You get to actually pick out and choose which parts you want for your desk in this one section of IKEA. It was great. I had planned on getting a smaller table top but I really wanted high gloss. Since the smallest size didn’t come in that finish I got then next size up. You could also choose from a variety of table legs. But the best part was using the set of drawers for the other half of my table. You could choose from shelves, a book case, cabinets, or drawers, or regular ol’ legs. Man, IKEA is great. I think the entire table cost me no more than $130.

ikea-desk2I’ve accessorized the desk quite simply. I plan to keep it that way because clutter makes me annoyed to be quite honest.

white-keyboard-and-mouseThe wireless white keyboard/mouse combo was just $22 on eBay. desk-accessoriesInside the pineapple jar I store my pens! I picked it up from Bowring last Fall. The soap dish is from Anthropologie just a few weeks ago.


I purchased everything when the Boyf was away on a triathlon trip in the States, but I didn’t assemble any of it. In fact, when the Boyf arrived back home, it was then my turn to go on vacation and I flew to Newfoundland for 10 days. When I came back, he had put together the desk and surprised me with a new (massive) monitor. It was so sweet of him! The one I was using prior, was 17″ and a hand-me-down from my Mom. The middle part of the screen was going blurry and it was difficult to use.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more in depth post of what’s inside the pink bags on my shelves, and what are stored in the Ikea drawers in my desk!

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