Paleo week 1: complete

Paleo week one started last Sunday, so I’m going to be doing weekly re-caps of what I ate throughout this 30 day challenge. Below is what I ate between Sunday April 7-Saturday April 13.

How I’m feeling: The first day was pretty easy since I woke up late and just kept eating all day long, and prepping for the week ahead. The second day I had a small annoying eyeball headache all day, and it wasn’t enough to take a pill, but it was just there and noticiable. I also had a bit of a craving this day. That night I had a “nightmare” that I cheated on paleo and had a cadbury creme egg while I was DRIVING TO CROSSFIT… In my dream I was thinking “Oh NO, I have to record this in my book that I cheated on just the second day and this dumb egg doesn’t even taste that good“. So that’s that.

The rest of the week I’ve felt pretty mellow, yet alert and no cravings. Which I’m thankful for. Overall I feel pretty good. I don’t get full when I finish my meals, but I am more satisfied than heavy-feeling. Ie: no food babies after pasta. Hooray!

my paleo bookI’ve been recording everything I eat and drink (only water) in this book I made for myself, and including the times I’ve eaten. This will then be passed into my CrossFit coaches at the end of the 30 day Paleo Challenge  to evaluate. So far no changes in my body (that I can notice anyway). I don’t weigh myself because we don’t own one at home and I’m not about to whip out a measuring tape just yet.

I’ll be doing this re-cap weekly on my blog each Sunday. So let me know if you have any questions regarding it.


Sunday April 7
Breakfast: 2 ham veggie and egg “muffins”, 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2 avocado with tomatoes and 3 glasses of lime water.
Snack: Made a batch of kale chips, but pitched them in the garbage because they were too salty. Grabbed a tuna salad instead.
Lunch: Kale salad with chicken, cucumber, bell pepper, tomato, avocado and topped it with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Snack: berries
Supper: Chicken with roasted carrots, broccoli and asparagus
Water intake for the day: 96 ounces (six “beer glasses” full which is 16 oz each!)



Monday April 8
Breakfast: 2 ham veggie and egg “muffins”, 2 pieces of bacon
Snack: apple and almonds
Lunch: Leftover chicken with roasted carrots, broccoli and asparagus
Snack: tuna salad: tuna, pecans, yellow bell pepper, celery and carrots
Supper: stuffed peppers with ground beef and mushrooms, with a sweet potato
Water intake for the day: 72 ounces (nine 8oz of water)



Tuesday April 9
Breakfast: 1 ham veggie and egg “muffins”, 1 hard boiled egg, 2 pieces of bacon, with cucumber
Snack: mango & almonds
Lunch: stuffed peppers with ground beef and mushrooms, with a sweet potato
Snack: celery and almond butter
Supper: pork chop, cauliflower, broccoli & sweet potato
Snack: 8 pistachios
Water intake for the day: 56 ounces


paleo day 4

Wednesday April 10
Breakfast: 1 ham veggie and egg “muffins”, 1 hard boiled egg, blueberries, raw carrots, and cucumber
Snack: orange and almonds
Lunch: pork chop, cauliflower, broccoli & sweet potato
Snack: tuna + veg, then carrots dipped in almond butter (not the best idea I’ve ever had) lol
Supper: spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce/paste with ground beef & veg
Water intake for the day: 72 ounces


paleo day 5

Thursday April 11
Breakfast: 2 ham veggie and egg “muffins”, 4 pieces of bacon and cucumber
Snack: apple, almonds and water
Lunch: spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce/paste with ground beef & veg
Snack: N/A
Supper: Kale/spinach salad with chicken, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, cucumber, cranberries, pecans & sunflower seeds with balsamic vinaigrette
Water intake for the day: 48 ounces


paleo day 6

Friday April 12
Breakfast: 1 ham veggie and egg “muffins”, 4 pieces of bacon, cucumber and blueberries
Snack: almonds, tomatoes, 1tbsp almond butter, carrots
Lunch: Kale/spinach salad with chicken, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, cucumber, cranberries, pecans & sunflower seeds with balsamic vinaigrette
Snack: N/A
Supper: salmon, asparagus, sweet potato
Water intake for the day: 64 ounces


paleo day 7

Saturday April 13
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, cucumber

Snack: almonds
Lunch: honey crisp apple, and chicken spinach salad with mushrooms, tomatoes, cranberries, sunflower seeds, bell pepper.
Snack: N/A
Supper: lemon pepper chicken stir fry (made with garlic, coconut oil, vinegar, tamari – a gluten-free soy sauce, and lemon pepper seasoning)
Water intake for the day: 40 ounces

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Paleo day 1 – here we go!

I went shopping at the local fresh market yesterday morning with my friend Stephanie so I could start of the first day of Paleo on the right foot. I’ll be blogging Saturday mornings about my re-cap I think. Because I don’t want to become a food blogger. I can’t keep up with it every day, posting what I eat. So I’ll do it weekly.
What I bought at the market. Thass a lot of produce. I was completely overwhelmed when I put it on the stove top to take a picture. Where in the hey do I start? I texted my friend and she simply said, wash and chop. So I did, then it took me hours to write up a meal plan, cook and so-on, to prep myself for the upcoming week.
fresh food
I ended up washing, chopping and prepping my meals for a few hours yesterday. I was on my feet in the kitchen for what seemed like forever. But I ended up making some meals ahead of time so in the morning I can pop these egg omelet things in the microwave so I have no excuse to skip breakfast.
egg omelets
All of the goods.

Gotta be honest. I’m not all gung-ho about paleo because it IS restricting whether or not you like it. We’re living in 2013 here people, and of course food is going to be drastically different than the caveman days. The caveman also had different dental structure and ate friggen’ raw meat and organs. I ain’t about to be doing that shiznit. I get grossed out when cooked chicken has fat on the edges. It gets cut-off by my friendly fork ‘n knife, thankyouverymuch.

Paleo is such a touchy subject that I am almost hesitant on blogging about my experience. So many people can be so pushy and sensitive about it all. Me? Before I even started this process, I  don’t think this is a way for ME to live all the time. I love milk and I don’t even eat that much bread but when I have it, it’s soo delicious. Ace bakery anyone? I also have some medical issues (“dangerously” low iron, annoying eczema, and a bit of asthma which requires an inhaler when I exercise) but who knows maybe paleo is a miracle and will clear all my ailments and I’ll want to stay on it forever. Regardless of it all, I’m going to do it and you can skip over the blog if you don’t want to read about it.

I’ve been getting myself ready for the last two weeks. Googling paleo recipes, bookmarking and writing down my favorites and hopefully re-creating them within the 30 days. I’ve also came up with a  meal plan. To keep me on track I’ve created a routine for myself. Every monday I’ll be eating the same thing. Every Tuesday I’ll be eating the same meals, and so on. So week 1-4 is going to look identical.

 My meal plan isn’t interesting yet. I’m going to go through the first week and see how I like it. It’s hard coming up with snack ideas besides TUNA. Jeeze. Gimmie some of those chocolate covered almonds!

I think it’s going to be quite interesting for me, as it’ll force me to cook up bigger batches of meals and have food readily accessible to me when I feel like snacking. I also read that cravings last just ten minutes. I hope those ten minutes don’t feel like an eternity. My plan is to drink a big ol’ glass of water dreaming of a McDonalds milk shake while drinking it. I’m also planning to add cucumber pieces or lime wedges to my water, to add some flavor.

I’ve told every one that I’m doing this 30 day challenge. Even my co-workers are ready for me. In fact, their exact words were: If Nancy has a stick up her ass next week, we’ll know why. Another co-worker said after that comment:  Maybe we should send an e-mail out to everyone telling them that Nancy is going off the sugar!!! I kid you not. Oh lunch time humor. It is true though. I hope I don’t “detox” too hard and become a stick in the mud, or my ass….

Follow me along, won’t you? :)

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Is paleo for you?

So much hype has been going around about the Paleo lifestyle. Not sure what it is? In layman’s terms, very simplified it goes a little something like this:

You eat this:

  • A shiz ton of vegetables
  • Meat/Eggs/Fish
  • Little amount of nuts
  • Some fruit

You avoid this:

  • Absolutely no wheat products
  • Dairy
  • Grains
  • Processed food
  • Starch
  • Alcohol

Do I follow it? Absolutely not. After two years of attending CrossFit I’ve seen three Paleo Challenges at my local box. While I appreciate that my friends at CrossFit can adapt this lifestyle, I personally will haven’t taken the challenge. However, each year our CrossFit box does a 30 day Paleo challenge and the next one starts April 7. I’m actually debating whether or not to sign up for it. The reason I haven’t already? I feel like I’ve got enough energy, I’m never plateauing at CrossFit, and I feel healthy. Oh, and because I’m kinda scared since I don’t think I’d be able to give up my beloved food. Milk, candy, cheese? Get in my belly.

Do you follow Paleo?

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