Stocking up on @EqualCanada & groceries at Walmart #cbias

We usually stock up on groceries on the weekends and go quite late at night so it’s less busy. But yesterday we ended up starting our shopping trip at Walmart at around 7pm.This winter has been phenomenal. I think I had a long sleeved shirt underneath my lightweight coat, and I was totally comfortable. Its been so mild out that you just don’t need to dress like a Sasquatch!The Easter stuff is out an in full swing. Cadbury cream eggs, I’m a ready for you! I’ve always been a fan of Easter since it’s close to my Birthday. Did you as kids ever get little wicker baskets full of toys, candy and Easter candy when you woke up Easter morning? I think I went for Easter hunts way beyond the appropriate age. Nothing can stop me from hunting down my chocolate candies!Alright let’s get serious. We have a list, and we have to stick to it. It’s too easy to get off track in here. So many things I want to buy.First aisle was in the Pharmacy section to pick up another canister of Equal Canada since it’s still on Rollback here for $7.97 (as compared to $9.97). Always like to save a bit of cash. The new yellow canisters of Equal is great because you can bake with it and it can be substituted 1:1 for sugar. I’m thinking of making some chocolate chip cookies from a recipe I found on #EqualCanada Facebook page.I know a few people who asked me where they could find Equal products, and they’re usually in the Pharmacy section/health food area of Walmart. I could never find it in the sugar or baking aisle of the grocery store part.This is so random. But I didn’t notice this until my boyfriend pointed it out. I always fuel my belly on Saturday’s with Kraft Dinner! I’ve been doing this for a while. Time to stock up on more!There’s plenty to go around.I always like to double check the prices to see if they’ve rung up properly, especially if they’re on sale or Rollback. I’m checking the toothpaste here.

The checkout line went pretty quickly. Here I am placing the last remainders of the things in our shopping cart onto the belt.Waiting in line to pay for the groceries.

Hope you had fun “shopping with me”! Don’t forget you can check out my Google+ story that I also wrote in conjunction with this blog post. You can also find Equal Canada on Twitter, and Equal Canada on Facebook.

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are my own.

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What I ate Wednesday

I thought I’d participate in What I Ate Wednesday going around on the blogs that I’ve been reading lately. I woke up extra early because I had a special treat delivered to me at work yesterday; a lunch bag full of Chobani! Yum! Thanks Emily.

The past few weeks I’ve been waking up an hour earlier than usual. I like having the extra time to sit around and relax in the mornings. Especially when it comes to Alfie pup cuddles!Wednesday’s are the longer days at work, because we have to go into work a half hour earlier than usual. But this morning didn’t stop me from surprising my Boyfriend with a Big Breakfast in bed! 

I cooked all the hot stuff first, of course. Then I decided to make a greek yogurt parfait with the chobani. What flavor to pick though? Can you guess which one I went with?

I added strawberries on the bottom, strawberry chobani, and granola from the Blue Menu box from Zehrs. Soo good with yogurt. It’s one of my go-to breakfasts in the summer time. Nice and cool.

Those hashbrowns were cut up from real potatoes from our household. We ran out of them over the weekend and I decided to make my own. They were a little undercooked, whoops.Everything all finished and ready to bring into slumbering Scott. Can you believe I woke up at 6:15 am this morning to do that? I don’t think I’ve ever done this for someone. Maybe 2012 is my year for being a morning person. He must be a pretty special guy if you ask me.

My breakfast was smaller since I don’t like sausages, so I had my “big breakfast” with a banana.

Mid-morning I drank a … spot ‘o tea to warm up my insides.

Lunch time was super quick with back to my unhealthy regimen consisting of a frozen dinner and a barq’s root beer. Mmm mouth watering. Seriously though, I love this stuff. I had to go back to Sephora after being there yesterday to return my new Laura Mercier foundation. They re-formulated the moisturizing foundation and the colors are way off. When applied on the face it’s cakey, greasy and orange. Not the look I was going for. Laura Mercier replaced the moisturizing foundation with this moisture supreme orange foundation which got a million and one rants on the rating part of Sephora’s website. Now I’m back on the hunt for another Holy Grail foundation. Bummer.

Schhhnackin’s cause I’m a candy eater. I ate … a lot of these. Come to Canada and this is what our currency looks like. This is a loonie, or $1.00.

Supper â€” my most favorite meal of the entire day. I’m not a big breakfast person, more of a indulge in supper kinda gal. This is one of my by-far favorite meals I make. I actually got my brother to write his recipe down when I was in Newfoundland back in October, and now it’s staple in our household. Yum yum! Lemon pepper chicken stir fry.

So there you have it â€” a What I ate Wednesday blog post. Do you like these sort of posts? Want me to keep doing them? Hoo boy, this blog posts takes a lot of work taking photos and inserting them and talking about each and every food photo. It’s hard being a food blogger for a day!

I was supplied the chobani free of charge, but it was so tasty I couldn’t help blog about it. Did you know that you can cook with it too? Here are some recipes I found on their site.

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Come help me find @EqualCanada at Walmart! #CBias

Good morning! I’ve decided to take you all on a journey of our weekly grocery shop, and how I make lists to keep sane.

My boyfriend and I normally grocery shop at the grocery store or Walmart once a week. This time we decided to go to Walmart because of all the deals we spotted on their online flyer. But before we head out, I make a list of what we’ll be eating for dinner that week, and what coupons we need to use up before they expire.

This list honestly saves so much time trying to come up with ideas when I’m tired from coming back from CrossFit, or just right after work, and especially when I’m not feeling up to coming up with creative ideas for supper. The meat is always thawed in the fridge the night before so it’s less work.

The menu plan comes from searching for bargains online and Walmart had a ton of sales this weekend, so that’s where I got all of our supper ideas from. Onto the grocery list. 

Mitt scrubber isn’t usually on my grocery list, but I wanted a mitt to exfoliate my skin when I do my self tans. Hee hee.

We then headed out to Walmart at about 9:30pm—we have our routine so down pat we always know what time to hit up the stores. We like going to Walmart later at night since it’s not busy with a ton of weekly shoppers.

First thing we do is look through the flyer. Even though we’ve already looked through it online before leaving. It’s just nice to take one to cart around with us, for when something pops up that we were needing.

Sneak peak of what we buy for the week.Can you spot the coupons? I ended up getting those Corn Pops cereal for $0.47 with the coupons we had, plus the Charmin I had two free coupons.

By the end of our shopping trip the cart got way fuller than we expected. But there was still one item missing. The Equal canister for baking with was nowhere to be found.

It wasn’t in the baking section of Walmart, nor was the specific kind I was looking for at the Pharmacy section either. See?

We ended up just checking our purchases out and heading to the next available Walmart which was probably about a 15 minute drive away.

Ta-da! At the second  Walmart location, we found the yellow canister of Equal! My boyfriend’s eagle eyes saves the day. It was labeled as $7.97 which was the rollback price. It used to be $9.97.

Score one for us!

Up close and personal with the Equal sweetener. Little #EqualCanada buddy, you were not an easy find! It was difficult to find since they changed the color of the packaging to yellow.The Equal was spotted again in the Pharmacy section next to the protein powders. My boyfriend drinks protein shakes a lot, so I knew this would be an ordeal for him, picking out a new brand to try next.

I bolted towards the patio chairs which are (already!!) out for purchase.

Spying on the Boyfriend. Can you spot him? I even had a great conversation with a woman picking out potted plants for someone’s house-warming present. I think we did a pretty good job picking out one of the plants for her ;)

After we finished our shopping trip we headed home to finally chill out for the night. Since I did a pretty good job using my coupons on Saturday, I had to take a photo of my great finds.

My best deals:
Charmin toilet paper = free with coupon

Carnation Instant Breakfast  $5.97. I had a $1 off coupon.
Rice Krispies squares on sale for $2.00  and I used $2.00 off coupon. All 3 free!
Corn Pops $2.97. I used three $2.50 off coupons = $0.47 each!
Royale Toilet paper was $4.47 and I had a $2 off coupon making it $2.27.
Equal was on rollback from $9.97 to $7.97, so I saved $2.00.

The other stuff shown is some produce, whey protein and two bags of milk and frozen fish which I put away immediately. We have enough meat from our last week’s shopping trip, which chicken and pork were on steep discount.

So, do I buy anything unusual that you wouldn’t normally buy on your grocery shop? What are your must-have’s for a grocery trip? I always love getting fresh bell peppers and bananas. This time I wanted to try out the new brand new Equal canister made for cooking and baking.

You can find out more information about Equal Canada on Twitter, or Equal Canada on Facebook.

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are my own.

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