I sure hope everyone had a nice relaxing Easter weekend. I sure did! We didn’t accomplish much but we slept most of the days away. That’s a nice needed break for sure.
Friday we watched a movie and that’s about the extent of it until today where I cooked us up a big breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, bell peppers and salsa mixed in, sausages (none for me), and hashbrowns. While that was all cooking up I made some blueberry muffins. Scott obviously likes these, since there’s only 6 left – I made twelve.
I wanted Easter Dinner to be more than what I usually make for our special meals. I didn’t want to get us a roast chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots. This time I opted for something I’ve never made before. Ham and scalloped potatoes. The scalloped potatoes? Boy, was it ever a huge hit (with me, since I couldn’t stop raving about my own home cookin’) lol. But OMG I really need to share this recipe. Can I say EASY!?
I cleaned off the computer desk kitchen table and set it with all the fixin’s. Such a feed!
Here’s my packed up plate.
Couldn’t forget a nice fresh salad in my cute Anthropologie bowls. Tomatoes, cheese, peppers, bacon bits, croutons, parmesan cheese and ranch dressing. OMG.
We bought a bottle of riesling while getting our groceries yesterday. We haven’t bought wine in forever. This tasted like candy. I had 2 glasses of this white wine. I think I could’ve easily drank the whole bottle. Unfortunately we’re saving the rest for tomorrow’s supper.
I’ll explain tomorrow why I’m so faux-tan looking. Scott takes a really long time to ‘line up’ photos thus my weird smile. But here I am prior to chowing down Easter dinner with my candy wine.
Supper. Demolished. Dessert = Candy. Naturally. It’s Easter. There was two marshmellow pops but I wanted only half so we split this ducky into two. Sharing is caring.
Sugar high. CrossFit tomorrow.
Since Alfie didn’t get any Easter treats this weekend we took him out for an evening walk to get rid of his pent up energy since I was in the house all day slaving over the stove ;)
We sure pooped him out running around in the park!
Have a good evening guys. I’m going to cuddle up on the couch with my mister for the rest of the Easter evening.