So uneventful. Yesterday was my 1,000th post on I only noticed this morning. Congrats to me!!
New Years Eve I had Chinese food.
I was craving Chinese food for a good year and then finally we had it. We meant to go on my Birthday back in May but plans fell through for one reason or another.
Nothing was really labeled and I mean it probably didn’t need to be. Chicken balls were clearly chicken balls, rice was rice. You know, the usual. I dug opened the beef stir fry and closed the lid as I’m not a huge fan of beef. I opened the next one and it seemed to be chicken. I mean what else would there be? I guess pork.
But this chicken looked like popcorn chicken and was stretched out a bit (note: the photo above sort of looked like the thing I ate. Except ours had more sauce on it and looked “wetter” if that’s a term). It even had a nice flavor — even resembled chicken, and I ate just two small pieces. Usually I’d eat more. This time I refrained, mainly because I thought it was overly cooked since it was chewy.
I never thought anything about it. Until last week my Boyfriend and I were at the grocery store and I thought of the New Years Eve Chinese food take out dinner we ate. I began to talk about how much I loved the Chinese food. Except for one part. I reminded him of the beef stir fry, then asked him about the “chicken stir fry”.
Scott told me “The only chicken we had with Chinese food was chicken balls.“
My reply: No no. That’s not right. Remember the popcorn chicken all stretched out that tasted rubbery?
Scott: That was calamari
Me: What the heck is that?
Scott: Squid.
I nearly vomited right on the grocery store floor in the frozen food aisle. My stomach turned so quick – it’s never happened to me like that before. I can’t believe I felt that sick just thinking of what I had eaten. Just a few days prior we went with the same group to a sushi restaurant. The boyf and I went out to eat before hand as we knew the group of them were ordering sushi. We don’t like sushi.
I wasn’t ready to handle the news that I ate calamari. I ate it without thinking. Now I know why that CHICKEN was rubbery. It wasn’t freaking chicken at all.
This happened all in a matter of seconds at the grocery store, and Scott kept talking about calamari, squid, etc. I was all “stopit stopittt” because I literally felt sick to my stomach, knowing what I had eaten.
I could barely type this entry out.
WELL! No need for diet pills, all I have to think about is calamari…