The weekend post

Saturday was pretty eventful. I woke up early to go on a morning run. A 6km run to be exact. I was melting and wanted to hurl towards the end, but I did it, and we didn’t stop. 8 minutes on 1 minute off. I honestly have a love/hate relationship with running. The only time I hate it though, is three quarters into the run, no matter if it’s 3k or 7k — if I can see the “finish line” I’m done. I want to stop. Weird, isn’t it? I feel like I hit a wall if I know I’m close to being done. But if I can’t see it… I’m cool. I’m still ready to run.

Came home and showered right away so I could get my tootsies painted. Cute designs huh? I’m not sure of the color I picked out. It’s an OPI shade (but it’s not “That’s Hot! Pink!” like my previous pedi).


I won a haircut, remember?

I booked my appointment as soon as I got the phone call. It was perfect timing, as I was about to get my hair cut on the 29th anyway. So, I went over the weekend and asked for not too much to be cut off. Thankfully she listened and didn’t touch a lot of length! Check it out, doesn’t even look cut, lol.

Click to enlarge to see the before and after pictures!

And of course, you can’t get a hair cut and not show the front, so here’s that as well.

Yay! I probably won’t be going back to her, mainly because I like going to the owners of salons, and they have to really know what they’re doing in order for me to trust them.  Not that she didn’t know. Maybe I just like male hair dressers. Oh well.

She did a great job. I was happy. But I’m still going to keep heading back to my Dann0.

After our morning was over (it was a busy/long a.m.!) we went to the Farmers Market! SO hot out. Picked up some fresh salmon from my Boyf’s swim coach and ‘window-shopped’ my heart out. I saw this one ring at a booth that I wanted so bad. It was made of amber and had 3 stones in it and it was just really neat looking. Asking $34. I didn’t have cash, so I didn’t buy it. Lame! Maybe it’ll be there next week.

Brought back our salmon and cooked it virtually right away.

Of course we had to eat on our new bistro set. Beauts.We need some door mats under out feet. Concrete always feels dirty on my toes.

Need a closer look?

Eat your heart out folks. It was as delish as it looked.Melt in your moutttthhh… Am I right? Does this make you crave a fresh bitta salmon or WHAT!

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Cheesey dorito supper on the bistro set

We brought Alfie back from the vet yesterday evening and he was so excited but couldn’t stop whimpering. It wasn’t one of those happy to see you whimpers either. He had so much stuff done to him yesterday that I think he was just sore. We even had some of his baby teeth removed as they weren’t falling out, so we decided to treat  him like a prince and give him wet food last night for supper so he wouldn’t have to crunch down on his teeth. He must have been starving at that point because he hadn’t eaten in about 21 hours by then, and he literally swallowed all of his food> I think he was afraid that I was going to take it away from him.

I laughed so hard that I was crying. It was sad, but funny to watch since he was being insane about it. I gave him a second helping and ended up putting it on the floor for him. See the little bandages on his feet? Those are from his dew claws, since we removed them. One was “hanging” off, since we got him in January, and they decided to take the second one off which I’m sure they had to dig at a bit, which is why he’s favoring one of his feet. Poor guy.

Since moving to Ontario 4 years ago, and the Boyfriend 5 years ago — we have never really taken advantage of our large balcony off the living room in our apartment. Over the weekend we decided we wanted to eat outside this summer! A few weeks ago we spotted a really cute (and sturdy!) bistro set at a Costco knock off store where anyone is able to shop without a membership. It was PC brand, so we decided to head to the grocery store to see if we could get it for cheaper. It ended up being the same price, but we didn’t have to pay a cent for it.

We signed ourselves up for a PC Financial MasterCard last year, and ever since I’ve been getting free groceries with the points I have accumulated. Boyf never redeemed his, so we ended up getting all of our groceries plus the bistro set for free!

We He set it up while I laid down on the couch and coached him ;) Last night we finally got to eat outside, and it was WONDERBAR! Isn’t the coloring of the bistro set awesome? I love that stained wood color.

Boyf wanted butter chicken for supper, but we ran out of it. The grocery store didn’t end up having any Blue Menu (healthier version) so we picked up some Korma. We were debating whether or not we’d like it since the third ingredient is ONIONS. If you know us, then you know we freaking despise onions. Anyway, we bought it. I had to say something to the boyf when I was eating it. It totally reminded me of cheese doritos! Isn’t that weird? He even agreed with me!

In all its glory. Cheese dorito sauce Chicken Korma on Basmati. (No need for an orlando timeshare here. This balcony is where it’s at!)

And a pint of milk to go with it.

Modeling with food in my mouth and dirt hair thrown in up in a ponytail. Nooice.

After supper was finalized we decided to put in the air conditioner since it was this many degrees yesterday at 5:30PM…

Wowzahhhs. Love it.

My job was easy, I didn’t have to lift it at all. Once I was done doing my helping with the A/C, I hung out with pup til bedtime. Look at this! He’s laying down – I’ve never seen him lay down more than 3 minutes at a time. This was record  breaking.

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Pineapple tips and footie

We bought a pineapple yesterday at the grocery store for $1.99. I never bought a pineapple before in my life, but I remember when Kristin from Iowa Girl Eats posted on her blog how to pick out a decent pineapple, and when it was ready to eat.

Quote from one of her blog entries:

Pineapple buying tip: the ones that are more yellow than green, are usually the sweetest. Also, try plucking out one of the fronds from the top of the pineapple. If it comes out easily, it’s usually ripe and ready!

Kristen also posted on how to cut a pineapple. All these years I never bought a pineapple because I thought it’d be impossible to cut. Little did I know how easy it was.

This will be my fuel before tonight’s first soccer game of the season. I should have been smart and planned ahead for my ankle brace and tried it on and kick the ball around. But I never did get around to it. Oops. I hope I’ll be okay!

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