Saturday was pretty eventful. I woke up early to go on a morning run. A 6km run to be exact. I was melting and wanted to hurl towards the end, but I did it, and we didn’t stop. 8 minutes on 1 minute off. I honestly have a love/hate relationship with running. The only time I hate it though, is three quarters into the run, no matter if it’s 3k or 7k — if I can see the “finish line” I’m done. I want to stop. Weird, isn’t it? I feel like I hit a wall if I know I’m close to being done. But if I can’t see it… I’m cool. I’m still ready to run.
Came home and showered right away so I could get my tootsies painted. Cute designs huh? I’m not sure of the color I picked out. It’s an OPI shade (but it’s not “That’s Hot! Pink!” like my previous pedi).
I booked my appointment as soon as I got the phone call. It was perfect timing, as I was about to get my hair cut on the 29th anyway. So, I went over the weekend and asked for not too much to be cut off. Thankfully she listened and didn’t touch a lot of length! Check it out, doesn’t even look cut, lol.
Click to enlarge to see the before and after pictures!
And of course, you can’t get a hair cut and not show the front, so here’s that as well.
Yay! I probably won’t be going back to her, mainly because I like going to the owners of salons, and they have to really know what they’re doing in order for me to trust them. Not that she didn’t know. Maybe I just like male hair dressers. Oh well.
She did a great job. I was happy. But I’m still going to keep heading back to my Dann0.
After our morning was over (it was a busy/long a.m.!) we went to the Farmers Market! SO hot out. Picked up some fresh salmon from my Boyf’s swim coach and ‘window-shopped’ my heart out. I saw this one ring at a booth that I wanted so bad. It was made of amber and had 3 stones in it and it was just really neat looking. Asking $34. I didn’t have cash, so I didn’t buy it. Lame! Maybe it’ll be there next week.
Brought back our salmon and cooked it virtually right away.
Of course we had to eat on our new bistro set. Beauts.We need some door mats under out feet. Concrete always feels dirty on my toes.
Eat your heart out folks. It was as delish as it looked.Melt in your moutttthhh… Am I right? Does this make you crave a fresh bitta salmon or WHAT!