I eat them til they make me sick…

I freaking love going to Bulk Barn and picking up an assortment of nuts and making my own trail mix.

jumbo flame raisins
walnut halves
chocolate covered almonds
sunflower seeds

salted almonds
brazil nuts

Do you like nuts? If so, do you do make your own trail mix or buy it? I’m not a fan of peanuts (shocking, I know considering how many food bloggers out there LOVEEEEEE peanuts) but I eat them … separately. Not in a trail mix, not in chocolate. Salted, plain, as they are.

Oh, and how do you know if you need a new video card for your computer? My monitor keeps turning yellow. But the Boyf says the monitor plug just isn’t turned in the whole way into the tower. Well — it is, and it’s still turning yellow. Arg.

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I made my very first cheesecake yesterday evening and since it had to be chilled in the fridge for four hours we didn’t get a chance to eat it til today. It was pretty moist. My co-worker’s cheesecake has a more dry crust, and dry cheesecake, but I also put sour cream in mine. Maybe that was why it was like that. I loved it though.

I’ll be posting this up on my recipe section, but all I did was get it from the Kraft Canada website. :)

I have a giveaway coming up soon. A HUGE one at that. I’m going outdoors to get Scott to take pictures of it with me!!

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Subconciously coordinating

When I haven’t had something in … years, and then I rediscover it. I feel like I become addicted to it and then drop it again for another few years.

Case in point. Kraft Dinner.

I’m addicted. It was on sale at the grocery store for a huge amount of ninety nine cents. I remember when it was freaking twenty five cents a pack. I bought 6. I ate some for lunch yesterday. I’m in love again.

spiralI bought regular kind, and spiral. Mmm both are equally delicious.

This isn’t what I’m wearing to work today, but I wanted to post it because I thought it was funny that I wore gray/white striped shirt and black pants to work. Then I changed into workout clothes and I was wearing the exact same thing! Funny!!

bw-work-outAn obligatory shot of my sneaks. Just because. (Or maybe I’m doing a joint pain relief ad)

sneakssHave a good one!!

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