Sickly sweet

IMG002991I think Easter is definitely my favorite time of year for … candy. Ugh, unfortuantely I have the worst sweet tooth ever and there’s no getting rid of it. :(

Halloween is okay but we never get Marshmallow PEEPS (only in yellow because those are the best) Cadbury Mini Eggs, or Cadbury Cream Eggs. Those are just too good to pass up and we only get to buy them once a year, you know? Do you have any favorite candy that you’re lucky enough to buy year round, or do you have to wait until Easter like myself? :)  Maybe the candy is the culprit for those dark circles around eyes?

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Menu plan…tuesday?

I didn’t exactly stick to the previous weekly menu plan so I’m kind of copying my menu somewhat. I initially had all this planned out yesterday but I didn’t want to bombard you all with 3 posts in a measly few hours!

SO! I’m doing the weekly menu plan once again. Mmmm, belly is rumblin’ just thinking of all these great eats. You can click the [ x ]’s for recipes!

Monday: Butter chicken with basmati rice (ate this last night obvs. SO good. So flavorful as I made it during lunch time and put it in the fridge / reheated it and GOBBLE GOBBLE it went in our tummies).
Tuesday: Pork chops (they were on sale, hooyea) with mashed potatoes (everyone’s fav!) with some carrots and broccoli?
Wednesday: Chicken panini’s because I’ve been thinking of it ever since I made it on Sunday! [ x ]
Thursday: Asparagus wrapped in chicken [ x ]
Friday: Chicken wraps, Chicken quesadillas [ x ]or Chicken enchiladas [ x ]. Not sure yet! What do you think?
Saturday: Lost for ideas… maybe I’ll crave something and make it.
Sunday: Rich and creamy white chicken spaghetti [ x ]

Not hard to tell we like to eat chicken in this house, is it? We used to eat salmon like once a week as my BF’s swim coach sells it at the local market, but we haven’t dropped by in AGES. Salmon is the fountain of youth / youthology, you know. I miss it. I think that’d be a great supper idea for Saturday night. Mmm.

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